Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

11 August 2010

WOYWW - its been a while!

Here it is - my desk - do you notice anything about it? go on, look carefully.... yep thats right - its clearer! I was going to say tidier but then that might be pushing the believability a bit too far - but it is clearer - less 'stuff' around the edges... oh come on course there is look at the white bits- that desk top!  So other things on there are my little sketchbook (in centre with pink spots on page), essential cup of coffee, coloured rubons (recently dug those out of the stash (buried deep!) I'd forgotton how nice they are!), PaperArtsy stamps, Hero Arts stamps and samples for a class, oh and not forgetting the very important general 'stuff'

Right you lovely snoopers - I need your help please (no not another plant identification - got my sambucus!) - I'm planning a trip to New York (oh yeah! New York baby - so good they named it twice!) and I'd like your recommendations for what I should do while I'm there - not the obvious stuff - I've already got a list as long as my arm of that (Statue of Liberty etc) but unusual stuff.... answers on a postcard, sorry, in the comments section please!
Thanks muchly in advance for any info!

And if you want to know what all this desk snooping is about head on over to Julia's blog and she'll explain everything, and you'll find a list of all the other desks that are open for viewing...

Right, other peeps' worktops here I come!


  1. Not going to be any help re New York as I have never been - would love to go - any room in your suitcase?!
    Love the desk - Christmas cards??? They look good.

  2. Your desk is looking good; great stamps, love the Christmas card
    Anne x

  3. NY sounds good! Your desk seems organised to me and looks great.

  4. Hay miss black mat is back...i knew there was someone missing..your desk as always looks inviting..
    new york.. you lucky thing.. wish i could help with interesting things to do but i could only imagine them!

  5. Hi ya
    lovely creative desk, lots of goodies on it, as for new york i think taking me with you would be good! lol, have great day, sue,x

  6. I can see it's a bit clearer - it looks like you mean business! Love the Hero diorama and foldy card thing, lovely use of the images. Whatcha got in mind for the rub on thingys then....I already am watching your space!

  7. I LOVE N.Y!!!! Okay ... there is a bar in Times Square and they serve the bestest Manhattans EVER ... I will dig out my memorabilia and find the name ... it is just sooooooooooooooo decadent :0)
    Desk is looking good too BTW :0)

  8. Jo check out Big Apple Greeter. One of the best things we did on holiday - we got a (free! it's a voluntary organisation) guided tour of Manhattan with a resident New Yorker and she showed us all kinds of things we wouldn't otherwise have known about.

    The market (upstairs) and the food court at Grand Central Station are great to grab a bite while on the move.

    As you are an arty type like me I'll also say the best of the museums is undoubtedly MOMA. Some amazing, amazing stuff in there - don't miss the gorgeous sculpture garden.

    Am so jealous - can't wait to go back to NYC. Am trying to persuade OH that he really wants to go for his 40th LOL.

  9. Ooh, now that looks like a great desk and I think mine would be similar if I had more depth - NOT - it would be even messier than it already is, lol. Great to see your WIP, Jo. Happy WOYWW! Cath x

  10. oh love your desk its just so creative so much going on,love cheryl xx

  11. Lovely creative space there - have fun! cant advise on NY as I havent been there myself for 13 years :(

  12. ooh you mentioned my favoruite city in the world!! will have a thunk!, and get back to you, and do you have any room in suitcase for little ole me??lol
    Great looking desk.. just love that sketch of yours btw

  13. ooo how lucky, going to New York. I would love to visit there. I hope you make it a trip of a lifetime.x

  14. Oh lucky you, I've never been out of the UK...Have only seen NY in tv programmes lol :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  15. There's lots on your desk but it still looks organised.

    The highlight of my trip to New York was a visit to the Frick Collection. Fabulous paintings, sculptures and gorgeous items of furniture, porcelain and other decorative pieces are on display in a wonderful building. In fact I am going to go now and have a leaf through the lovely book I got there and relive my visit.


  16. Fab creative desk!

    Lucky you, never been to the states.


  17. I was totally impressed with your desk. I could see the white, too.

    As for New York, it's been at least 10 years since I've been, but I remember the shops in Soho were fabulous (an area of lower Manhattan). I was not into stamping the last time I went, but saw some amazing shops with rubber stamps, so shops with fabric, lace, trims, buttons, and such, and some shops with postcards that were affordable and very artsy.

  18. Hi, lovely craft space. Have a great time in new York, can't offer any good craft places as went in the mid nineties before I discovered crafting, always a good idea to check for Michaels and Joanns though. Amanda

  19. Fab stamps and your Christmas card looks lovely, busty desk, but still tidy!Have a fabulous woyww!!

  20. Lots going on there, very orderly and well stocked. Good to snoop! Thanks for sharing.

  21. I have a friend that is off to New York in a week or two and it will be her third time... i'll ask her so i can let you know what is the thing to do that is off the beaten track... go to the 'cheers' bar?

    My Son is 18 next year (same day as i'm 40) and we wondered about going to NYC - then he decided what was the point in waiting to drink until your 18th - then going somewhere you can't drink to celebrate it until you're 21!!! He certainly has a point - so we'll have to wait a bit longer.

    Great colourful desk by the way.


  22. My friend just came back from a trip to NY. She forgot to take me this time & am kind of upset with her. Anyway this trip they found a food tour of some of the best off the beaten track little restaurants & they got to sample different items. Sounds like fun, provided you like to eat, LOL.

  23. Looks very productive and organised !! See you like PA stamps too !

  24. Hi Jo,

    You NEED, I mean seriously need to go to Kate's Paperie, it's right up your street!! Nice desk BTW.

    Lin x

  25. New York lucky you. Afraid I've never been so can't give you any ideas. Lots of interesting items and ideas on your desk. Just made my first masterboard since the class you did as Imagine That.If you want a laugh it's on my blog.


  26. fab looking desk there :0)

  27. Lovely busy desk, thanks for letting me snoop round. Can't help with New York cuz I have never been.

  28. Lot's of interesting the floral book!

  29. Anonymous8:52 pm

    Great desk, look at all that sunshine pouring in! Love The Geggenheim museum in NYC, the building was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, amazing inside. Also I war you, we got to the Statue of Liberty before 9am and the crowd was already around the block! The Staten Island Ferry goes right past it though, and you don't have to get off at the other side, absolutely stunning views of it. Also a night time river cruise is great, the lights are amazing! Have a great time!


  30. sorry I am late this week thanks for sharing your fab space - loving your desk thanks for my snoop :o)

  31. Ohh Jo! Ny is my favourite city. You will love a shop called Tinsel Trading: vintage trimmings and millinery supplies fabrics and papers and ohhhhh! Then there is The Ink Pad in Greenwich Village; tiny stamp shop with loads of supplies. Canal Street has all the pretend designer jewellery and handbags and stuff, and go to New Jersey for outlet shopping. There are bus trips to Woodbury Common outlet village. Let me know if you want to know more.

  32. Love your pink spotty big cup

    Alison x

  33. great work space love all your projects


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