Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

18 August 2010


Greetings from sunny Westcliff!!  I had to point out the 'sunny' part of that because its been a while since the sun put in appearance  - I don't mean to be picky but its August and so I EXPECT sun!!

Anyhoo back to the subject in hand.... before I post a piccy of my desk this week (and don't get over excited but its a completely different desk! ta da) :
I'd like to thank those of you who gave me some information about New York - much appreciated.. and to those of you who wanted to sneak into my suitcase sorry, and much as I'd have loved your company I'm sure, but the case is quite full already (I'm a 'keep packing until you have to sit on it to close it' type of suitcase packer!  lol only joking...ish). 
So thanks, and sorry in equal measures!

Here's the desk:  Its all about the Critters today - making them to sell next month (it'll be hard to see them go...).  Its all going to get very exciting in CritterVille - new additions in many forms arriving left right and centre (go here to meet the gang...)

The desk is across the room from the one I generally show you.. its the 'sewing' desk - I try to keep it clean(ish)
So, from left right - bind it all (haven't put it away yet, ahem), sewing machine, behind the machines are some of my buttons (you can never have too many can you? (well, yes according to a friend of my who has a phobia of them)), fabric for turning into Critters, cuttlebug for cutting out some shapes for faces etc (oooh I have a new wing die - and I'm not afraid to use it!) and in the backgound are a few of my houses ready for sale.... thats a lot of stuff on one desk isn't it!  When I actually start creating I will clear it off a bit (where I'm going to put it I don't know - might need another table rofl)

Off you all go to snoop about - when I've made my Critter quota for the day that's exactly what I'll be doing!
Happy snooping!

PS - The Critters would love some new followers - so if you like them please follow them!  :o)  You wouldn't want to hurt their feelings would you??


  1. your workspace looks just fab....loving the look of those fabrics, It is making me want to come over and play! TFS hugs Juls

  2. Love the birdhouses. Your critters are fabulous :-)
    Anne x

  3. Love the bird houses Jo, they look fab. Hope the pussmogs are OK - you need a pic of one of them looking into a birdhouse!!!

  4. Hi Ya
    aww those bird houses are sweet, lovely material on your desk,thanks for the snoop, have a great WOYWW, sue,x

  5. MUCH better close up, Jo - looks really interesting and a great selection of buttons. Well organised, too - could do with something like that. Love the little birdhouses and the bits of mess but I so wanted to see what you were up to on the other desk, lol. Happy WOYWW! Cath x

  6. first visit to you and im liking the sewing desk, but I want to see more so shall go and nose at some of your other WOYWW and I want to see Critters so shall follow link, Ill be back :)

  7. Love your citters. The bird houses look lovely. Wish I could sew little things, I did make my curtains but that took a year, I'm better off doing big things than little things. Love your cards. Hugs

  8. will follow and also where do I Buy?

    I am blind and stupid so directions in word of one syllable and diagrams appreciated...

    (critters....follow the critters) hmm getting a bit woywwer comment crazy.....


  9. Great workspace, and good luck with the critters (saw your tweetphoto of the carroty one!!)

  10. Oh wow, your little birdhouses are fab! Just been for a visit to the Critters, they're so cute! Love 'the family portrait' - that's just hilarious!

  11. oo so lucky to have a spare desk, I would love a seperate sewing area, would get so much more done. i have a friend with a fear of buttons too.

  12. How intriguing...please let me have your time management skills at once. I need them. My 'sewing desk' is the dining table, but that's OK, it's a once in a blue moon thing for me. Off to meet your critters!

  13. Fab view of your workspace and good luck parting with the critters, they are gorgeous.


  14. Now this is my sort of work desk - love the critter fabric.

  15. Love the fabric on your desk and those bird houses at the back are simply gorgeous. Have a good evening, Tracy Evans x

  16. Beautiful critters! Love the birdhouses too :)
    *hugs* Heather x

  17. Oooh your critters look gorgeous ina weird and wonderful way! Have to agree about the buttons... my Gran used to let me sort her button box so have always loved them!

  18. Wow, lots of lovely stuff. Those little houses look really cute!

  19. Oh I love those itsy bird houses.
    Luv Joanne xx

  20. Fantastic stuff !!

  21. fab workspace, thanks for the nosey

  22. Thanks for the peek, loving the birdhouses. Taking a pop over to check the critters.

  23. I don't think you can have too many buttons, but I'm in love with them, too. I probably don't have half as many as you, though. Those birdhouses are sure cute. Sorry I'm late visiting, but I contracted a computer virus on Wednesday. It's still not fixed, but I had to make sure I wasn't infecting anyone. Happy belated WOYWW.

  24. Love the bird houses! He he, I wish I had a button phobia, the collection is growing so fast, too fast!


  25. I love your turn of phrase!! Great desk, lovely critters and those houses are just to die for! Thanks for letting us snoop!


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