Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

1 December 2010

Tag-a-licious! & bbrrrrr

It feels like I should be posting something festive today as its 1st December.... Eeek! 1st December!!
aaanyhoo,  I'm not going to! but here's a picture of our snow! lol  I'm in Essex and our snow isn't nearly as deep/impressive as some parts of the country but its enough (and too much at the same time! lol)
None of us has ventured out into the garden - not Me, M or Lola (fat chance of her braving it) or Bertie (give him half the chance & he'll go take a look) - but I will later to feed the wildlife.

The Postie made it round yesterday - he's a hardy soul (part of a Postie's job description?) and so I thought I'd make something with what he delivered so his delivery wasn't wasted (lol)... more tags.
btw Tim Holtz 12 tags of christmas started today over on his blog so if you're interested (and how could you not be) go and take a look - lots of loveliness and make sure you watch the video from a couple of days ago... genius)

aaanyhoo - tag:
The Postie delivered a parcel from Craft Obsessions - the romance/love pack of embossing folders for the Cuttlebug... had my eye of these for a while! I need/want to make an engagement card for a friend and they are perfect! (and on sale!) ... but I made a tag first..
I really like how the Glossy Accents sits on the lettering and gives it a bit of pop. I intended this tag to be more pink than red but could find the pink inks - but its a happy accident because I really like it.  The colour combo's like Basic Grey's Scarletts Letter papers - LOVED that range.... oooh ooh I could have used a bit of that on the background... ggrr why didn't I think of that earlier......

I also made a really nice green & black one which I'll show you tomorrow.....

Take care and stay warm!


  1. Brrr here too! And more snow expected overnight. :( The tag is gorgeous, the colours work very well.

  2. Lovely tag. Love the colour and how it pops. We got alot of snow here in Yorkshire too and it's still going. Good day for crafting. Have a good day andkeep warm. thanks for sharing . Angela

  3. that tag is lovely the colours are great, didnt realise you were Essex lady, but it makes sense what with Paper Artsy and all that, I am over in Kent now but Essex gal at heart, you can take the girl out of essex but you cant take essex out the girl

  4. Steph7:26 am

    Love the tag Jo .
    Lots of the white stuff here in Southampton - my little Fiat 500 looks like a snowball lol.

  5. Gorgeous tags Jo love the glossy accents on the embossed letters - so effective must remember that one!

    I'm in Essex too and I think that we've nearly got our fair share of the white stuff! but feel sorry for people in the worse affected areas. You would think we could cope in this country with a bit of snow - but oh no! Still I'm happy snuggled up indoors crafting and blogging!




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