Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

17 August 2011

Inspiration can come from anywhere....

... like the metal sheet of the barbeque:
.. or a soaking roasting dish ...there's quite a lot of congealed stuff in there (I'm quite glad this wasn't my dinner)... great pattern & textures though...
Take a look around - inspiration can be found in the strangest places.


  1. Fantastic! Recently got a freebie booklet from the local art warehouse full of stuff like this. Just need to get creating!

  2. A woman after my own heart - I pic up scraps of metal off the road because of the rust patterns or the fact I might be able to use it in my work(cant believe I told you that lol) and Im forever taking photo's of rust spots etc I love taking pics of flowers more for colour combinations than the flower itself.....glad Im not the only one who views the world in a similar way.


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