Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

11 August 2011

Well where do I start?!?!

It seems ages since I last blogged (bad blogger, bad blogger) and now that its been.. ahem.. 19 days since the last post I don't quite know where to start! So maybe I should keep it short, brief with bullet points & random pictures along the way...

* We haven't moved... House fell through at exchange - turns out banks don't like lending against houses where the vendor has only owned it for less than 6 months(something to do with potential money laundering blah blah blah)... and our vendor only had it for 3 weeks when they put it back on the market.  So that was that - back to square one... but its OK we've now found a much nicer property (as everybody said we would) which is going through at the moment.  We REEEEAAALLY like this one so I'm not saying anything else in case it jinxes it, and am keeping fingers crossed.
* I'm still destashing 'stuff', gave notice on my studio space which meant that everything there had to come here (that was 'interesting' - the shelving units cleared the ceiling by about 2cm - that was eeeek moment! lol) but its now all in and sort of unpacked and sorted but I've stopped that because I'll only need to do it all again when we move - I seem to have spent the last 4 months packing and unpacking...
* I'm growing plants which is 'fun' (the seeds are not growing nearly fast enough), and I've planted flowers in pots in the garden - some lush dahlias - LOVE dahlias - such 'juicy' blooms:
The bungalow we're in is rented and we have no idea what plants are in the ground and so we can't take the credit for any of the interesting plants that keep appearing - like these:
So pretty... I might have to take a cutting/dig one (or 2) out before we go...
But the bind weed that keeps coming up is NOT PRETTY OR INTERESTING - it is relentless - I asked my Dad how do you get rid of it and he said 'you move' lol  I've checked the garden at the new place - no bind weed (actually there were very few plants)

I think that's enough rambling for one day - I might remember some other things that have happened or interesting bits that I've unearthed in the big tidy up and if so I'll be back tomorrow (hopefully not another 19 days - it would be plain rude to leave it that long again!)

ooh - there is one more thing - September Craft Stamper - my project is the main image.. *skips off doing a happy dance*  in the shops now...



  1. Yes, that 6 month rule is relatively new - better luck next time and am sure it fell through for a reason! Some things are meant to be.
    Love the flowers!

  2. whatever is meant to be will be, and that three week turnaround does sound might suspicious, (right take bankers head off . . LOL), love love your CS piece, check out my blog for my attempt, its a beautiful piece of works (yours that is) . . best of luck hopefully you'll soon be unpacking for good.

  3. Firstly I just love your CS cover piece! So very beautiful in every it! I hope all goes well with the house...hope it is very soon your home. You must be cream-crackered what with all the Paper Artsy sorting antics too...phew! There is no such thing as a weed - just a plant in the wrong place...
    Thanks for sharing your ramblings...Se you soon at My Mojo Monthly!!! Looking forward to your musings (will send a reminder soon to help too!)

    Bye... Sarah

  4. Thank you so much for your super tutorial in the latest Craft Stamper Magazine. I had such a great time playing with the stains and bleach and thought I would share my creation with you. I hope you like it.
    Thanks again for your help

  5. Love your CS piece G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! Eeek on the house! I'll keep my fingers crossed on this new one! Hope it all goes well :) Love the piccies :) Kimx


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