Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

29 April 2014

That was then.. this is now.....

I started this piece with no idea where it was going... but that is the fun in creating isn't it

I first read (and still read) Kelly Rae Roberts' book Taking Flight back in 2011 & was inspired by the book to create a panel- with a view that it would turn into something else... you can read the blog post here

 ... & 2ish years on  the panels are still in the studio, and as much as I love how they turned out I need to do something with them/to them ....

Above are all 4 together, I wanted to alter just one and this was the chosen panel (it measures approx 6x4in, 14.5x10.5xm):

Now it looks like this after attaching JOFY flowers (JM34 & JOFY14, 23, 24) cut from booktext, scrapbook papers and painted with Fresco Finish paints (of course!):

'Busier' than I would normally create... and I like it.

1 down 3 to go... maybe book covers for the darker 2....

I hope this 'inspires' you to alter a 'forgotten' project that is lurking somewhere waiting to be altered, repurposed and given a new lease of life.


26 April 2014

East meets West...

.... JoFY stylee...

I like the simple wood Japenese Kokeshi dolls (2 on left of photo are traditional dolls)
and I couldn't resist these blank ones when I saw them at Its Crafting Time in October last year (I was lucky to snag the last remaining pack, sorry) - I thought I could paint 'JOFY' ones...

... and that's what I did on Thursday.  I painted the small dolls (4 & 6 inches tall) with Fresco Finish paint, and stamped the designs (JOFY22) using Archival black ink.  I love the simplicity of the design- just the 'chalk' & black, before colour was added- very tempting to leave it like this:

.. but I didn't- I painted them in shades of Dusty Teal and Chalk, hair is Little Black Dress & French Roast.

I'm pleased them - they make me smile - & I think they'll hold their own next to my traditional dolls....


25 April 2014

A bit of crafting every day....

... helps to keep the boredom away...  as if we didn't know this already - but this has been confirmed to me while I'm under orders 'not to do too much'  (what is 'too much'!!!)  I haven't necessarily made something every day but I've at least designed or planned things.... anything that could be done sitting down & with minimum effort....

I was inspired me to make this card after creating projects for this post over on the PaperArtsy blog - I used the same bud stem stamp (JOFY14) stamped in Chalk Fresco Finish,  & this time I painted with Dusty Teal paint rather than use coloured pencils....

Sometimes I need/want to correct the colour of photographs for the blog and while I was adjusting this photo (using Photoshop) I played with the 'hue' button just for fun - to see what happened ("I wonder what happens if I do this...")
Top left is the original card - and the others have all had their colours adjusted - how cool is that!  so now I know that a green flower will look great with great, quite autumnal, with brown leaves...

Imagine how materboards would be with the hues changed.....


21 April 2014

I've almost run out....

... of masterboard to play with...  Using the panel I created:

2 12x12 scrapbook/journal pages
3 cards (14x14cm)
1 canvas panel...

... and I'll finish with a fairly simple card - a piece of masterboard  in the centre with flowers added covering/matching the flowers on the panel and spreading over the edges.

I mounted one of the flowers on 3d foam to add depth and interest, and a bit of bling- always nice to have a bit of bling:

Hope these projects have inspired to you make a masterboard and create projects with it.


19 April 2014

When paving becomes pretty...

... our garden patio has paving slabs - they came with the house & I quite like them - its like ordered crazy paving... I like the straight lines and the simple design - & I often look at them, see patterns and how it could be translated into a art/craft idea...

(that's Bertie by the way, doing that 'pay me attention' thing that cats do!)

... inspiration from the paving slabs gave me the idea for this:

.. another project created using the masterboard I created for this and this post over on the PaperArtsy blog.   It is a canvas panel (PaperArtsy has a nice range of these that can be found here) which I rough painted with Chalk, Snowflake & French Roast Fresco Finish paints (go here to see the range).
I wanted this project to be less 'pristine' and so I coloured the edges of the board (with Frescos) and all the edges of the cut out patterned paper/card squares/rectangles (with Distress Inks).
I played around with the layout and combination of papers, flowers and shapes.... I moved them about A LOT!! but there comes a time when you have to walk away, have a cuppa, come back, STOP FAFFING with the project and stick the pieces in place!! lol

Tomorrow I'll have another project for you using the masterboard - oh yes I still have some pieces left to play with!

I hope you're having fun with the masterboards you've created.


17 April 2014

Masterboard Madness....

... over on the PaperArtsy blog tonight with the second part of the masterboard project.  You can see it here

Over the next few days I'll be blogging some other smaller ideas using the remaining bits of the masterboard...


16 April 2014

The (long awaited) return of Mad Men....

... those New York media creatives with (very) complicated personal and business lives..

I love this show - even though the fashion both in clothes and interiors has moved out of the original setting of the 50s (my original reason for watching the show)...
Welcome back Mr Draper, Ms Olsen - we've missed you - its been too long

Mad Men is on Sky Atlantic, tonight, 10pm.... 

We'd better make the most of it - this is the final series, extended to 14 episodes with a break in the middle (why??) & so ends in 2015!!!
well, as they say- all good things must come to an end.

15 April 2014

Oops... I created, I photographed...

... I delivered to the relevant lovely ladies ... but I forgot to blog these Mothers' Day cards!!  So here they are, better late than never..

I created these cards with JOFY stencil PS007, JOFY Limited Edition paints - Dusty Teal & Chalk, and stamp sets JOFY13, 23, 24.

Give me some kraft card, stencils, fresco paints & stamps and I'm a happy little crafter! 


14 April 2014

Oooh didn't I have a lovely time....

... the day I went to London...

I worked in London for 10 years & really enjoyed it, but when I worked there I don't think I really appreciated what a great city London. Now when I go into town for pleasure rather than work its really nice... I have time to look around rather than rush from train to work, work to train & home.

I have a routine when I go to hospital appointments in Holborn (an area where I used to work) & do things so that the day isn't just about going to the hospital - it generally goes like this: I go to the hospital, then I pop to Blade Rubber Stamps which is a great rubber stamp shop very close by (the only one of its kind in London)... sometimes I pop into Cornelissens (
(photo: cornelissen)
in Gt Russell St - its an amazing traditional art shop - all wood shelves and bottles - like stepping back in time... its just along from the British Museum where I've been know to go into too - amazing collection of artifacts (lets not think too hard about how we came by them and whether or not they should be returned to their rightful owners...) .... Holborn/Bloomsbury is such an interesting area, lots of places to see and well connected to the rest of London.

During my last visit to London I had to go further West up to Bond St - I like travelling around London on the bus if I have time - more interesting than the tube/underground as there's lots to see and it seems to change such a lot... but this stands firm:

This is Selfridges (located towards the Marble Arch end of Oxford St) (ok, I know its not the best photo but it was drizzling and I had to be quick).  I wanted to take a photograph as I plan to use it on a scrapbook page because I'm currently reading the biography of Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founder of Selfridges... and here he is- the real Mr Selfridge...
The book (Shopping, Seduction, and Mr Selfridge by Lindy Woodhead) is fascinating - not just about the man (who died penniless, which I found quite sad & shocking) but about shopping in general at the time (early 20thC) - so many changes that were his doing (most of which we take for granted now).
Well worth a read.

I wandered down Bond St/Old Bond St - very posh with shops with doormen that 'buzz' you in - to Piccadilly - & look at Fortnum & Mason!! Most shops just put up sheeting when they're having work done - but not Fortnums who covered themselves in this:

 ... how cool is that!! ... got to love Fortnums!

I find being in London really inspiring, my next planned visit is in July - hopefully the weather will be better.

So, that was my little day out - I had thought of going to the theatre but couldn't decide what to see.. (too much amazing choice!)


13 April 2014

Hello... *taps on screen*... helllooooo..

.. is anyone here??
I hope so!
Its been a while since I blogged - blame:
* our builders (electric on, electric off, electric on...),
* the freezing temperature of my workroom - again, blame the builders - they took out a window and the ceiling below the workroom which meant freezing wind - freezing I promise you! - came up through the exposed floorboards... I stood in my workroom wearing snowboots, a scarf and several sweaters!! oh because I forgot to mention that they took out the boiler too... no heating... bbbbrrrrrrr... but don't feel too sorry for me (please tell me you were starting to feel sorry for me...) the house is now nice and toasty, the windows have been replaced & this is all because we're having new kitchen fitted - so it was all in a good cause :o)...
The other reason for lack of blogging is that I haven't been arty/crafty recently because I can't be- I'm recovering from quite a big operation (though I have to say - keyhole surgery is amazing!!) - I'm under strict(ish) orders not to do too much... which is trickier than you'd think ;o/ even sitting at the computer can become uncomfortable...

So blog posts at the moment will be a few catch ups - general randomness - news of new classes etc etc etc.... lets start with a catch up:

March was a busy month - biggest event of the month was my Parents' Golden Wedding Anniversary & we had a bit of a 'do'..

Here's the card I made for them - using colours they had for their wedding .

 Love making these pop-up dimensional cards but don't like photographing them - sooooo tricky! lol

Die cutting, stamping & lovehearts... oh my!

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