Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

25 April 2014

A bit of crafting every day....

... helps to keep the boredom away...  as if we didn't know this already - but this has been confirmed to me while I'm under orders 'not to do too much'  (what is 'too much'!!!)  I haven't necessarily made something every day but I've at least designed or planned things.... anything that could be done sitting down & with minimum effort....

I was inspired me to make this card after creating projects for this post over on the PaperArtsy blog - I used the same bud stem stamp (JOFY14) stamped in Chalk Fresco Finish,  & this time I painted with Dusty Teal paint rather than use coloured pencils....

Sometimes I need/want to correct the colour of photographs for the blog and while I was adjusting this photo (using Photoshop) I played with the 'hue' button just for fun - to see what happened ("I wonder what happens if I do this...")
Top left is the original card - and the others have all had their colours adjusted - how cool is that!  so now I know that a green flower will look great with great, quite autumnal, with brown leaves...

Imagine how materboards would be with the hues changed.....



  1. I absolutely love the card, and it's altered companions!! That blue is just gorgeous though... definitely the best!

  2. I need to get used to photoshop, looks amazing. Xx hope your recovering well.

  3. Beautiful card, I love your designs. You provide loads of inspiration, thank you.

  4. Really beautiful, I love all the colour ways

  5. Struggle to use PS so use Photoscape. Fabulous card Jo, glad you are enjoying 'a little every day keeps the Dr away' therapy. Thanks for sharing.

    Hows the kitchen coming along?

    Took pictures of Singer Sewing Machines at local Shopping Centre, you were right they belong to All Saints. Never shop there so hadn't noticed the name.

    Enjoy your weekend, i'm off to the Quilt Show at Uttoxeter. Looking forward to seeing some lovely sewing:-) xxx

    1. hi
      photoshop is so useful!
      kitchen is coming along.... slowly! lol
      enjoy the quilt show - i love shows like that - the workmanship is inspiring.

  6. Anonymous8:33 am

    Sorry to read you are not on top,form, take care of yourself. Your creativity certainly isn't poorly! Lovely card as usual, and whilst the altered ones are interesting your original is my favourite!


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