Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

6 July 2009

4+ hours in front of the TV....

Yesterday I had my day planned out - appointment with the optician (who said I looked 28 not 38, the old charmer!)(and he was quite old, and judging by that comment may have been the one in need of glasses!) (I'm getting that in before somebody else does!)(matt!) lol .. ..... aaaanyhoo I digress
so my planned day - opticians and then settle down to watch the Wimbledon Men's Final. I really wanted Federer to win - to get the record of most titles etc etc etc and for the fact that he is a joy to watch - makes it look sooooo effortless! But, I wanted to be doing 'something' to justify sitting there for what I imagined was going to be a long final - and in the end it was 4+ hours!!
So here's what I did: We had a bit of a bathroom clear out on saturday and threw away finished/spoiled fragrance bottles etc but I kept the packaging and during the tennis I die cut them.
So over the 4 hours the boxes went from this:

to this:

Lots of shapes for mounting and tags for greetings/ ribbons etc etc etc....

Fantastic match by the way if you didn't watch it.


  1. U had an eye test on a Sunday? Me too few weeks back, its really weird to do that. Lots of lovely goodies you have there now - hasn't it now gone from recycling to up-cycling? And did you save a box to put all the bits in????

  2. aah...erm no! but if I rummage around in the recycling bin I may find one I could use... it was a good idea for a while but the die cutting wasn't as exciting as the tennis in the end! lol


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