Today's cards have been created using a pack of stamps by Magenta (CI may have some in stock if you're quick - last few available(?)).I really like these stamps because they appeal to my neat'n'tidy/ just-so side (yes, M I do have one of those!) - this is the stamp pack and each of the squares is seperate stamp - cut by the company and so all line up perfectly (makes me happy - when something is meant to tile it has to be straight - and these give really nice straight lines - I'm all for things be placed a bit wonky as long as its meant to be wonky but when it's meant to be straight it has to be straight if you get my drift (nothing worse than something being a bit off...) any hoo back to the stamps and cards..
loads of possibilities with these stamps - and here are a couple - I'll show more tomorrow (I'd show you another but I left it pinned to the classroom board at the shop! oops)

These are just gorgeous I love how you have coloured and styled them