Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

13 December 2009

Ooooh Christmas tree......

This year I decided that I wouldn't put the christmas tree up (shush now with the 'bah humbugs', and the 'oooh you've got to put the christmas tree up!')(or is that just the voice in my head saying this...) reasons being:
1. BIG christmas tree & decorations stored towards the back of a VERY full loft and M isn't here to assist.
2. over christmas we will be clearing the flat in preparation for getting it on the market to sell. so less decorations =  less to clear and sort....
3. We'll be out and about, backwards and forwards, visiting relatives over christmas
4. Small cat who thinks christmas trees are chew toys! (that'll be Bertie.  Lola learned the hard way last year that she probably shouldn't have chewed the lights wires! - lights flickered and she shot out from behind the sofa where they're plugged in!)

any hoo I gave in (mainly because the decorations at B&Q were too cute to resist, and 1/2 price last week!!) and so here is our tree:

I may have over estimated how big a 3ft tree actually is! lol I have some other decorations but they were too big, and poor little tree doesn't have lights - couldn't get a length short enough with clear wires (bought a 40 bulb length but I don't think you would've been able to see the tree for the lights if I'd put that on! rofl).  Its small - but i like it! (but it doesn't look as pretty without lights....)
I don't think the pressies are going under it though, do you?

More class cards - this time a PaperMania set - Joyeaux Noel.



  1. I really should get my finger out and concentrate on making cards - and get out my nesties which have been languishing in a drawer - my never knowing how to use them to any effect - now I have the 'master' to show me - I will get them out -and make some cards.


  2. Sarah S7:02 pm

    Gorgeous tree Jo, lovely juicy colours. You have persuaded me to make the effort, even just for a little one. I had all the above excuses prepared, not entertaining, not here etc., but it really would be a shame not to have just a titchy one.


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