Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

4 November 2010

Doing a happy dance!!

 Remember my woeful/rantful blog post regarding the treadle sewing machine - if not, you can read it here..... well a week or so ago a student of mine (thanks CW!!) read the blog post and one thing lead to another and earlier this week I had the lovely item below passed on to me!!!  I'm doing a happy dance!!  A happy dance indeed!

Look at the lovely metal engraving on the front panel - its a really lovely piece and I am VERY grateful and appreciative of being given it - I will certainly look after it.
so, I think this says something about the communication (& sharing) power of blogging...
(I'm full of cold at the moment  - and the above made me feel better... unlike pseudoephederine (decongestant) which I took and turned out I'm allergic to - resultd in a small (not so) nice facial rash!)


  1. Anonymous11:42 am

    Sorry to hear about the allergy - ick! But to make you feel better, here's a wonderful link that takes you to part of a site for all things related to human powered sewing machines. Even if you just need to know how to adjust the belt, or what year your machine was made,it's all here!
    (I used to be a list member but haven't been for ages now - my poor old treadles and hand cranks are quite neglected at present.)

  2. ohh wowowwww, what a lovely looking thing. My Gran had one.

    Is it the kind that the machine can be swung around or down?


    (Toodles and Binks)


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