Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

6 June 2011

'Working' at The Craft Barn

... I've put the 'working' in inverted commas because it can't really be classed as working when its so enjoyable.. surely!
Here are some of my table samples - I demo'd PaperArtsy's Fresco Finish paints and Claudine Hellmuth Creative Layers stamps - LOVE both of these products. 
You'll have to excuse the lack of quality of the photos - my camera broke earlier in the week (cr#p timing!) so these are photos off the phone.  And the hearts are to mask some of the projects - because while I'm quite happy for most of my work to be used as inspiration I wanted to protect these particular projects.  Most crafters are lovely peeps but not everyone respects a designer's copyright on the projects that are produced (though luckily those people are few and far between... hopefully... I'd like to think! lol).  I love working at these events and showing people what can be done with the products but it saddens me to think that someone may take photos of Demonstrators' work, reproduce it and pass it off as their own.... I think 'do unto others....' comes into play here. lol
Oooh sorry, ahem, I'll, erm, climb down off my little soap box now I've got that off my chest! lol
Where was I? oh yes telling you how The Craft Barn Extravaganza events are sooooo good - people come to them from all over the country, Europe and one lady popped in on her way to Canada from New Zealand/Australia!!!! Now if that doesn't tell you that these weekends are worth a trip I don't know what would! lol
Sandy and everyone at The Craft Barn works really hard to make these weekends a great experience for the customers, & the demonstrators, and it shows.  I certainly had a blast!  So thank you if you came and sat at my table and watched me play with paint and stamps, I hope you were inspired. It wouldn't be the same without you!!
I'll have some more samples to show you very soon (when the new camera gets delivered and I've had a chance to photograph them - which hopefully will be before the end of the day) (drive faster Mr Delivery man, faster!don't spare the horses! lol) - ones that are there for inspiration and will be up in The Craft Barn in the not too distant future.


  1. I am really sorry I couldn't make it on Saturday, I would much rather have been there than where I was. Sob sob! Hopefully next time! Your demos look fab..

  2. Steph3:59 pm

    Really enjoyed chatting to you and watching you create . You are so inspirational. Love the fresco paints and Claudine stamps:)

  3. Anonymous4:57 pm

    wish I could have gone - would love to have seen you demo!

  4. Sounds wonderful. I couldn't make it this time but was thinking if you all just the same!

  5. Anonymous5:25 pm

    It was really lovely to meet you, and to see your lovely work Jo - I was really inspired by watching you and now can't wait to play with the paints and stamps! :)

  6. wish I could have been there to see you hun, maybe next time..

  7. Anonymous9:23 pm

    Love your picture mx

  8. mickelle johnson10:38 pm

    had a great time and its definitely not like working. Great to meet you mj x


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