Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

8 September 2011


...LSNED = Learn Something New Every Day.
Shimelle's online month long class.  I took part in this a couple of years a go and my month started quite dramatically - but not in a good way! One of our tennants set fire (accidentally) to the decking in the backgarden! by 9.15am I had a burnt fence, a flat full of smoke and a garden full of firemen!
So you can understand my relief when September 1st this year was nice, quite and nothing really happened at all.
The biggest challenge I've set myself this year is to work on 12x12 sheets.  I usually make books, projects, cards & 'scrapbooks' that are much smaller - like 1/4 of the size!  But I'm finding myself more often thinking I want to use an image or an embellishment and finding that its too big for the page.
BUT....LIGHTBULB MOMENT!! followed by a chorus of HALLELUJAH!! lol.....
I suddenly realised that its not my embellishments that are too big - its my pages that are too small! O.M.G! Simple when you think about it.
So I bought myself a 12x12 album (blimey they're big) and here are my first pages.  I made myself laugh when I relooked at these - same small pieces but in the middle of a great big sheet! lol - BUT I really like how these look - I like that the pieces have room to 'breathe'...(I resisted the urge to doodle or draw a line around the edges - save that for another day!)
Everyone has different scrapbooking styles but I think I'm definitely in the 'less is more' camp (not a big fan of pages where there's so much on it you can barely see the photo or journaling)(though I do admire them)
This year I'm approaching the project in a much looser way - I haven't premade the pages, labelled the days etc etc etc. It doesn't have a colour scheme - though I will consider how the pages flow (how facing pages look side by side) and I'm not a strict scrapbooker - I don't mind if its not archival, lignin free etc etc etc... if I like something then its going to be included (within reason! lol))
AND, I will be using only supplies I already have (attacking the stash!).. well apart from the album and page protectors I had to buy... Damn it... Fell at the first hurdle! lol... OK, from now on - ONLY using supplies I have in the stash...

Oh and the other big realisation for me for this year is that every entry doesn't have to be monumentus, profound, hugely important or include a photo - this project for me is going to be about creating a page each day.  I really do think that you learn something new EVERY day - it could be really small, funny or trivial - but something is learnt every day.

Right, I'm off - got some creating and learning to do!


  1. Jo, I love these, the simplicity, the focussed grouping of the paper, photo's text etc surrounded by that expanse of space and colour. It draws the eye in rather than having it zoom all around the page trying to see everything and wonder why it isn't connected all together - fab. jo xx

  2. check you out Mrs Jofy!!!

  3. What a great idea - and the fact that you don't feel under pressure to fill the whole page is really refreshing!

  4. Great idea Jo and I love those pages. I always include a photo but sometimes its about my favourite things... new shoes, favourite socks, food I love!


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