Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

7 September 2011


Welcome to my creative bombsite... whats on my desk this week?? - 'stuff' and lots of 'this n that':
When I took this picture (came into room, took picture - no moving things about, no prettying it up) I thought it looked a bit messy but now I look again it seems quite tidy (comparing it to previous pics! lol). I can actually see the worktop!!!!!!
New stacking baskets - storing upwards - cunning use of space I thinks! (works on the walls of the workroom so why not the desk.. 'if in doubt get shelves')
Latest copy of ClothPaperScissors - lovely issue - very interesting (as usual).
Tags on top of magazine are for my journal/scrapbook for Shimelle's 'Learn Something New Every Day' (LSNED) class. (yesterday's bit of learning was why 'Teddy Boys' of the 1950s were so called. OMG - was all I could say - brilliant - Oh? You want to know why they were called that?... Well the 'Teddy Boys' were so called because their jackets and trousers were based on the clothes worn by men in the Edwardian Period, and what is the name 'Edward' often shorted to...Yep - you win a pize if you said 'Teddy' (actually, no prizes today, sorry) I laughed out loud when I heard it - soo simple and quirky - I seriously had no idea why/how they got the name! (and I'm a mine of useless information! lol) Best thing I've learnt so far this month during the LSNED project.
(btw I'm still chuckling when I think about it - so obvious when you know why!!)

Anyhooo, be gone with you - go snoop around the other desks :o)  Thanks for visiting.

Please feel free to follow my blog - I can't guarantee I'll supply you with useless bits of information (like the above) on each of your visits but there's always other stuff to see...



  1. Jo it looks just like mine, but my theory is creative people work in a muddle!!!! Just enough room to work that is all that is needed.

  2. A tidy but happy mess!! Don't you find you're forever losing your car keys though, they're just in the right place for getting covered in stash!

  3. Well, as you said, at least you can see some of the desk!

  4. That’s actually quite a big space you have to work in there, if you move the magazine and the car keys Jo.
    Have to say the upwards stacking is looking great. The problem with us crafters is that we want everything to hand and I reckon that will sort the problem very nicely indeed.

    Happy Crafting!


  5. Love your space today - and you do have space! Went to see the Power of Making exhibition at V&A today - thanks to your tip on Twitter - it was good, so thanks for that!!

  6. Im surprised at you, I thought you was Mrs OCD tidy...x

  7. Hi there, bit of flying visit from me today but just wanted to pop in and say Hi. Thanks for sharing your little corner of the world with us this week. Hope your creative journey this week is a good one!

  8. thanks for dropping by my desk yesterday, the chipboard frames are 'ornate frame number 1, DA0074, from' it is an aussie company so not sure if they ship to the UK but Sandra De Manchi (a woywwer) would be able to help...

    reading today's post made me laugh - I think your less is more style is a lovely way to frame your work.


  9. Great looking workdesk, looks ready for action!
    I am a new follower of your blog, if you have a few spare minutes please pop over and say hello I came across you via WOYWW.
    Helen x

  10. Huge bunch of car keys, mega tic tac packs full of's all happening in your desk! I knew about Teddy Boys (I don't know why I knew)! Do you know the origin of the latest boy craze to wear their trousers belted under their bums? Yeah that one tha tmakes us mothers just want to run over and pull 'em for them....apparently originates in American prisons where the wearing of prison uniform in such a manner meant that that particular body was erm, available. Bet if they knew that they'd pull 'em up!!


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