Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

16 September 2013

I've been getting all techie.....

... and created new things online:

**  a blog that's going to hold photos of my workshops - like a little gallery... its easy to get to:  d'ya see that button on the right of your screen.. the new one under the JOFY logo... no, not the smiley face of PAMM - the one that says 'WORKSHOP'... yep.. that one!
Click on that and its should take you there - not much on it at the moment but it will slowly fill up....

** and I've had a 'fan' page (not sure I like the name of these pages but that's what Facebook calls them, not me!) for a while and it would be lovely if you could go and 'like' that page.... it has the feed from the blog and I'll add new teaching dates to it when they are released... its better than a 'friend' request.. :o)
the address is

OK.. enough of the techie stuff I have creative die-cutting bits and pieces to do!



  1. what a wonderful idea (workshop) - I look forward to seeing your great creations on both blogs now.

  2. I've liked your fb page too :)


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