Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

3 September 2013

The Cat's Meow....

.... was the PaperArtsy stamp collection used by the 3upsters over on the blog yesterday..  and they (as usual!) created some great projects.  The stamp range is very different to the other ranges - it has a slightly retro/cartoony style.  I like the range - fun images.

Back in 2007 I upcycled a little book using the stamps - I blogged about it then but only the front cover (?!) so I thought I share the whole book with you now, prompted by yesterday's PA theme:

This cat image is great - I love it! and lets face it- what cat doesn't think it should wear a crown!

This was created in the days before Fresco Finish - I think I would've painted it with Ranger Dabbers - Wild Plum/Raspberry & Stream (who didn't love those colours!).
The book is an upcycled kiddies book - only about 6x6 or 8x8cm - great size (and I love a little book project) and the book was sturdy - I only took off the printed layer and painted directly on to the cardboard pages. Love it.

It shows photos of our first two cats Fredd and Phoebe- now sadly in the big cattery in the sky.  Lovely to have this little reminder of them...

The paw print image is so appropriate - cats love to sit on what you're reading or working on don't they! Several times I've had to catch a cat BEFORE they jump on the desk and land in paint or AFTER they've done it and trodden paw prints everywhere - gotta love 'em. :o)

Just thought I'd show you what I created with the Cat's Meow stamps. They are fun stamps - and there are some really nice alphabets on the plates - go take a look here on the PaperArtsy site

Have a good day!


  1. What a lovely project! x

  2. Lovely use of those quirky stamps. Got a set in my MM box. - now inspired to take on the challenge!


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