Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps
31 August 2009
more sketchbook pages...

29 August 2009

25 August 2009
23 August 2009
bunting, bunting and more bunting....
Progress is going really well apparently - LOADS of flags have been coming in: from the local schools, Brownies, Guides etc and one WI group made 1000!!!!!
(wouldn't expect anything less from the WI would you?!)
This is the webbing that the flags are sewn onto.... it has to be one continuous length.... that's a lot of webbing! ... and a lot of flags!! lol as I mentioned before - 8991!!
Can't wait to see it all strung up around Chalkwell Park on the 26th. They've got some other creations going up as well so I think its all going to look really interesting.
22 August 2009
Such a talented boy!!...
These stones (found on holiday) were on the table - J has decorated them... how great are they!! Love their happy little faces!
(I'm glad to see that I'm not the only member of the family that brings stones back from holiday! lol)
21 August 2009
Ortho & a 'girly' crafts supply fix
On the way home from my last visit to the orthodontist for a year - yay (no more grinning and bearing it! - maybe one I'll share a piccy of my lovely straight gnashers... though they can only be truly appreciated if I share the before and the after photos - but not sure I'm ready to put those piccies on the www !!! lol - not that my teeth were very bad but ..erm ..you know......) aaaanyhooo I digress - so on the way home from those appointments I like to treat myself to some craft goodness (to counteract the orthodontistry nastiness!) and normally I would go to an independent shop but this time I popped into Hobbycraft - they had a lot of loveliness in there and the above piccy is of the stash I left the shop with..... I haven't bought supplies that girlie for ages! lol Could they be any pinker! I was particularly pleased with the two rolls at the top of the photo: the beige and blue - its 'carpet' for dolls houses and HC had it in lots of colours, its sticky-backed, goes through the Cuttlebug brilliantly and produces lovely tactile shapes etc...coming soon to cards by me!
The stamps and papers are by Imaginisce - soooooo cute - slightly gloss embossed, double sided and the stamps give really clear impressions... I was just going to buy the fairy castle but then decided if a princess has a castle she also has to have a carriage!
...and pink velvet ribbons! lush
.... and notelets from Making Memories .. and the co-ordinating flowers......
..ooh and last but not least a really basic (and bargain) 'happy birthday' stamp.
I was quite girlie giddy by the time I left the shop! lol
20 August 2009
bunting and bargains!

So, I've made this short bunting out of scrapbook card (tilda from panduro - quite vintage and really nice colours) and the letters were cut with my Slice. It's going to hang along the front of my table next time (!?) I do a craft sale.... love it.
18 August 2009
Southend's Bunting World Record Challenge

The line of bunting will be hung around Chalkwell Park as part of the Village Green arts festival on 26 September.

17 August 2009
This is some of what I made - not the JD obviously but a bit of that is never a bad thing is it?! lol
EDIT: I've just re-looked at the above photo and would like to clarify - that is a half bottle of JD - Much as I like JD I'm not a complete lush, thank you very much! :o)
Yesterday was also my day over at Banana Frog - so head on over there to see what I created this month....
13 August 2009
oooh I do like to be beside the seaside..
oooh I do like to be beside the seeeeeeeeaaaaaa .. or well, the Thames to be more specific! lol
Today R, R, K & E popped in and we went down to the seafront in town for lunch in the Arches and a stroll along the seafront... can't remember the last time I did that.
Lovely to see them all.
I'd show you the cute the cute little dress she was wearing but by the time I took this photo she and it were covered in chocolate icecream. lol
Her dress was sooo cute - cord with pretty patches - you can see a little glimpse at the top of the page... I did drop subtle (not) hints that when she's outgrown it maybe it could be given to her godmummy (ie me) : It'd make a lovely stuffie! - (well if the chocolate icecream comes out in the wash) lol and also really inspiring for cards and scrap layouts......
12 August 2009

Last moments were very moving - its well documented that Victoria never came out of mourning after Albert's death, but apparently she had his clothes laid out every day until she died aged 81. 40+ years. Heartbreaking.

I couldn't put it down.
Definitely worth reading - and possibly re-reading!
11 August 2009


6 August 2009
a little teaser....
5 August 2009
off to the studio....
Yes, euch, I know! roflol Don't ask. But come to my classes, you learn all sorts! :o) lol
2 August 2009
Sometimes its good to just 'create'...

I've been given a few things to work with that throw up a few challenges for me - and I like that - it pushes me creatively which is always a good thing. I'll make quite a few items with the given products to see what I can come up with.
Anyhoo, here's a card I created while playing around at incorporating hemp fabric (the dark blue top right of card). The main image is from PaperBag Studio. Now I need to create a v similar card replacing the two other fabrics and images with paper products. I really like the tassel on the card - created by using the threads torn off the hemp piece when fraying the edges.... I like to use everything! lol This card is quite unusual for me because of its size - A5. I rarely make cards this card and it was quite liberating to have all that space to play in. lol.
I've just bought the 'flourish' set of 4 cuttlebug embossing folders and I'm really please with them - lots of possibilities and its got me thinking - a lot - and I'm sure these will make their way into my next batch of Cuttlebug classes running at Card Inspirations. Dates to follow soon. Class sign up is 05 September.