Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

25 March 2011

Decisions... Decisions... Decisions...

... moving house is full of so many decisions - is it the right time/ right property, will everything complete on time, what to keep, what to throw out, when do you order the van, has the packing stuff arrived, what do we do with the cats while we move so they're not freaked out or trodden on... (or packed in a box somewhere - you know how cats love a box!!)

... and when clearing out our home getting ready to move, my approach is little & often... shoe boxes on the top of the wardrobe were dealt with the other day - 15(ish) of them and they've been up there for ages judging by the depth of dust laying on them (shameful housekeeping I know but out of sight out of mind).... aaanyhooo I came across these:
These are known as my 'honeymoon shoes' .. because I bought them to take on... yep.. you guessed it.. our honeymoon... and cute as they are (I think I was having a 1950s bride moment) the little kitten heel was not entirely suited to the cobbled streets of Ravello! lol I've barely worn them so they're in good condition - the flowers are a little crumpled but I think they started out that way! I'm trying to decide:
a) save them for sentimental reasons
b) sell them - bootsale or ebay
c) cut the cute little flowers off (they're sewn on, not glued - yay!) and use these on something crafty and send the shoes to recycling (or.... oooh create new 'arty' embellishment for the front)(anyone else imagining a Tim Holtz rosette on the front there??)
aaaanyhooo I'm swaying towards c) but its seems a shame to not pass them on to someone else to enjoy... but then again if I remember rightly they weren't the most comfotable shoes (but then then prettiest shoes often aren't - the price we have to pay!! lol) too hard to decide at the moment so I'll just put them back in the box (for another 5 years lol)

OK, less about my house moving decisions (which is good because if I think about it too much I start to panic slightly!)(2 weeks away - 2 freeeaakin' weeks!!!!!!!!)(the bungalow we're renting for a while doesn't have a dishwasher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that its not essential, but anyone who has one will acknowledge that to then NOT have one is hard!!)(& I should just shut up because there's only me & him - its not like I'm washing up for a family of 4 is it, rofl)(and breeeeaaaathe... in... out... in... out.....) aanyhoo less of me being a spoiled brat-
here is a picture of something I've been playing with, sorry can't show you the whole thing
Hope its sunny where you are, have a great day... 


  1. Mmm I'd go with C but you could always come up with another embelly for said shoes- a new challenge!!
    I've never moved ( tho the kids think we should be upgrading- yep if our numbers come up tonight in euromillions!!) so soz, can't help but I think we'd def be moving with 1/4 of our stuff if I did!!
    It's dullll here in co down supposed to brighten up but the mist hung about all day yest that rolled in from the sea-are you humming that tune?? Lol
    Have a brill day anyhow.
    Jeanette :)

  2. I fully agree with the out of sight out of mind, thats why theres lots of dust in my house,but i really dont care, i'd much rather be crafting than cleaning. I love the little tease, it looks to me like Claudine Hellmuths layering stamps which I must say I love.

    Margaret B

  3. oh I don't envy you Jo - I moved just about a year ago... those boxes that were to be sorted are still..erm... unsorted lol We put AlfieCat into the bathroom and put a note on the door so the men didnt' open it... and then I took him in the car to the new house where he went straight into the bathroom and same note put on the door... hope that helps... good luck!!! x

  4. oh forgot to say... shoes... DIVINE... keep 'em!!

  5. love the sneak peek and defn cut the flowers off as neatly as you can and shove whats left in the charity box, cant beleive 2 weeks only that was supa quick, will send you some washing up liquid and gloves ROFL


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