Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

8 March 2011

Getting all the ducks in a row...

... not literally, its just about getting everything ready - each day I do a bit of sorting out in preparation for the looming (in a good way!) house move... today amoung other things (and because I was in the work room and needed space) I went through the small 1'' square ink pads...
I don't use these much anymore and so there was a bit of a cull, but being ever organised and 'thorough' I had to test them all first (duh! really! did I have to test them??! no, not really but it was fun & I rediscovered some great colours!)
so here they are in the sketchbook looking really quite lovely!! - I almost wish I'd put them on a seperate piece of paper now so I could stick it on the wall!


  1. that looks lush, Jo, but worryingly very precise, has someone got a touch of OCD .. xx

  2. Great idea, you could try it with large inkpads, now that would make a brilliant page, especially the distress inks, as they won't muddy :))

  3. Isn't colour a wonderful thing! Jo x


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