Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

7 March 2011

Monday Moggies...

can't resist posting these photos I took of our cats..
Bertie (the black one) wants to be friends with Lola (the tabby) but she's not overly keen & so spends a lot of time avoiding him... and so to see them like this together is lovely - and requires photographic evidence that they don't dislike each other all the time...
and what makes me really smile about this photo is that they're both squeezed onto the box...
but the box is on a chest.. where there's loads of room.. but oh no!.. got to sit on the little box..

Pop back later when there'll be an actual craft/stamping/creative post.. yep seriously - actual creative samples... not pictures of cats... actual painted samples... featuring distress stains, Fresco Finish paints & tags!!   lol


  1. awwwww they are adorable... why do cats always sit in the most perculiar places I wonder LOL

  2. Oh So cute! Love the Kitty cat pics! Kim

  3. Ahhhhh gorgeous - al you need now is for the tails to entwine.
    Was wondering how they were, nice to see them.

  4. Bev - Hi! Oooh that would be too cute - but I'love how their tails are going in the same direction! lol (and how fab are the stripes on Lola's tail! Love it!)

  5. What an adorable Photo. Bet you will treasure it. Have a great day. Angela

  6. Love the photo of the Moggies


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