Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

1 March 2011

Stop the world......

.... I want to get off - well I don't want to actually get off I just want everything to slow down a teeny bit so I can get a grip and make a plan! lol

The last 8 days have been a bit fabulously surreal:
*  Had a great few days at the ArtsyCrafts / Tim Holtz event - bloomin marvelous!! met the man himself and saw LOVELY peeps that I've met at previous events, and chatted with on Twitter (great to put faces to names) ... waving at all of you!!
*  Started demo'ing at AC at 7:30am!! Loved it! Used PaperArtsy's new dies - v nice - more about those later..
*  Went to the Ballet - Matthew Bourne's Cinderella - it was beautiful - & brilliant - like watching a black & white war movie.. fabulous
*  I'm consumer testing this:
.. its a great machine (not very fast but maybe thats a health & safety thing) ... it definitely takes the effort out of die-cutting... now I've just got to play around with layering of shims etc so thin dies can be used through it (and thanks to David at Craft Obsessions for some pointers) (apparently they'll (sizzix) be bringing out an extra plate - if it isn't out already).  (The Engineer in the house (ie M) gave it a good look and thought it had been well thought through, and then I moved it away from him before he could think about taking bits apart to see how it went together! lol)
*  but what put the surreal label on this week was this:
both flats sold on the same day!!!!!!!  We are really pleased but didn't expect the top flat (one we live in) to sell quite so fast! lol ... 8 days on the market!! wth!  *insert slightly hysterical laughter here!*   lol
I cannot get my head around the fact that soon I won't live here anymore - its been my home for nearly 16 years and so much has happened.. and.. and.. erm .. sniff... sniff.. someone pass me a tissue please! (I'll stop now or I'll start to sound like Gwyneth Paltrow accepting an Oscar! lol)

I've also decided that 28th February is an EXCELLENT day:
*my grandad's birthday (well actually he was born on a Leap day but 3 years out of 4 he celebrated on the 28th)
*date of my first date with M
*the day we sold the flats
!! 3 reasons to make this officially 'an excellent day' - I might start a campaign to make it a public holiday! lol

So thats it - my wierd & wonderful week - fingers crossed please everyone that everything goes smoothly with the sales!

Tomorrow I'll post some pictures of arty things.....


  1. Steph5:01 pm

    Congrats on selling the flats:). More public holidays sound like the perfect idea :)

  2. What a great end to a great week!

  3. Wow Many congratulations!! Things always happen for a reason, you must be feeling just a little fuzzy! I have a vagabond on order.....just can not wait to get it! enjoy your news x

  4. it was the mono living room that did it, ROFL, and excuse me 2 flats... check you out miss moneybags, LOL :)

  5. Fabulous news, Jo. Many congratulations on it all.
    Plus I've just picked up a copy of April's Craft Stamper I love your project.
    My fingers are crossed for a smooth transaction.
    Enjoy the testing. ;-)

  6. Thats fantastic news! You must be over the moon! I agree with you the 28th Feb sounds like a great day, make it a P.H.! It was lovely finally meeting you at the Arstycraft event after following your work for so long. Look forward to seeing more of it.


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