Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

19 April 2013

Samples, Samples, & more samples Part 3

... made in advance for AllyPally and for the up-coming demo days that I have - the next one is at Colemans Craft Warehouse (Northampton) on 27th April (next weekend) - looking forward to that very much...'s the samples:
Left to Right...
Left: Taking the time...
Fresco Finish base (Baltic Blue, Tinned Peas, bit of Guacamole & Nougat), dried, stencil of clocks (Crafters Workshop) with Grunge Paste (love love love), dried, swipe of Treasure Gold, and then I sanded the whole top area over the clocks to smooth it out, knock back the gold and weather/distress the tag.
I stamped the 'dandelion' heads (JOFY12) in black and touched the flower tips spots with a gold gel pen, and stamped the phrase along the long edge.  I like the crisp black stamping against the distressed background:
Centre Tag:
I love the pink flower heads against the blue background - so cool  & fresh.  The long white flower stems are stenciled again with Grunge Paste (I told you I love it!) (Crafters Workshop stencil) but this time they haven't been sanded back...lovely and crisp with a nice matte finish.
Right hand Tag:
This is work in progress - created while I was demonstrating at the show... Corrugated card tag (stripped at the edges), painted in Nougat Fresco Finish, stenciled the background with coloured spots (Blue Blue & Guacamole) and overstamped the stenciled spots with mesh (go here to find out more), stamped dandelion heads and tipped with London Bus (lovely accent colour - zingy!)... Stamped 2 flower heads/stems and leaf - painted the leaf but covered one of the flower heads in a flower created with  leaf images.

Pretty spring/summer tags which, unfortunately, is a near to those two seasons as we seem to be getting here in the UK at the moment!  While I was out and about yesterday (I live in south-east England) - in the space of 60-90 minutes our weird and wonderful weather had delivered high winds, brilliant sunshine, a hail storm (and I mean storm with pea sized hail!!), thunder and lightening, torrential rain and then back to glorious sunshine!! Gotta love it!

Thanks for popping by...

I'm off back to the studio.....


  1. Wow! Love these samples and really like the look of that grunge paste. Great inspiration as always, Thank you Jo.

  2. Beautiful - love the colours.

  3. These look great - can't wait to take one of your workshops soon.


  4. Jo you just do the most beautiful work, thanks for sharing xx


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