Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

10 January 2010

I don't like yellow.....

.... but Crate Paper's Brook collection could probably change my mind about that - and when its used by Christine Middlecamp my mind could definitely be altered!  They've put yellow together with teal/turquoise and brown - very lovely.

(photo from Christine's blog - great snapshot of all papers together - and small!)
Its also has some lovely little retro motif's that are always a winner for me.
(take a look at Christine's blog - its very inspiring - I love her attention to depth & detail on her layouts and yet there is always a feeling of 'space' - room for the images to be seen....)

BTW - Friday would have been Elvis Presley's 75th birthday if he'd lived. There were loads of Elvis documentaries* and concerts shown on BBC to mark the event - lots of white jump suits and rhinestones - gotta love it - and the '68 Comeback Special (the black leather one) - unplugged-type concerts don't get better than that do they??  I'm always impressed when I watch footage from back then to see that singers can be pitch perfect, in time, etc etc etc without the aid of ear pieces and technology.
* actually I don't think there were 'a lot' of them - BBC just seemed to repeat a couple A LOT!


  1. Sarah Somerset6:24 pm

    As you say 'Yellow' not top of my list, BUT teal and chocolate, my favs :) off to shop for a set now!

  2. Sarah - Whoah there Nellie - its a new release at CHA in USA so might not be around yet... patience - but should you find it please let me know! ta. lol


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