Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

15 January 2018

JOFY Bingo (Challenge)!!

What, I hear you ask, is JoFY Bingo?!?!

Its a game/project/challenge I've devised for myself - and for you, if you'll join me!

I design my 50+ JoFY stamp sets so they can be mixed and matched... the old with the new, minis with A5 sets... and I thought this could be an interesting blog project/challenge:  Choose 2 stamps sets and create a project using both sets - 1 a week, 32 weeks.

If I was going to do this in an unbiased way I needed the stamp choices to be out of my control (or I might pick sets that I know would/could work together) so to solve this I bought a bingo drum - I am leaving it up to the luck of the draw!!  A small bingo drum, complete with 70 balls, bingo cards etc (bought on Amazon, in case you're wondering).
Logistically I needed to draw all 32 weeks in one go. I put balls into the wheel that corresponded with the number of A5 JOFY stamps sets.... and then I began to spin the wheel and draw the balls, 2 at a time.... I didn't change ANY of the draws - not one! (maybe I should've had an adjudicator standing by to verify this.. lol).
The draws themselves were interesting.  Several times consecutive numbers came out together and I wondered if I should redraw those but didn't because that is what 'fate/ladyluck' chose so I kept them  (I am NOT messing with LadyLuck! lol). I think my favourite draw might've been 46/64 - I like that they're mirror images of each other! (If you're reading this & on the ball & thinking there isn't a JOFY64... well.. lets wait and see shall we *winks and taps nose conspiratorially* lol)
I've obviously seen all the number pairs and occasionally while drawing the balls I looked at the corresponding stamp sets especially if they were early + later numbers - sometimes I thought 'oooh tricky!' and then for others 'oooh nice!'  lol  Its going to be really interesting... really made me think..

OK, are you still with me.. are you following my plan so for?:
  • Numbers drawn will be blogged on a Monday along with the project I made using the corresponding stamp sets.
  • 1 week
  • 1 project, makers choice:  cards.. atc.. journal page.. dimensional project... tag...
  • 2 stamp sets (use only those stamp sets - not all the stamps in each set - that would be too much of an ask but as long as there are one or two stamps from each set then its OK!)
  • any paints/media, colours, embellishments, stencils/masks
I would love for you to join in - I think some of you reading this might've bought some JOFY stamps over the years and so please join in - lets see what we can make with them!!... I'm hoping this will help you see them in a new light, get more use out of mixing new with old, and be inspired by what other people create.  Join in when you're able to, no pressure, if the choices inspire you or just if you fancy it!

EDIT:  I'm opening this up to include the JOFY minis.  There's quite a few of those too & it seems a shame to leave them out of the game!  So, for example instead of (or as well as..) using JOFY36 you could use JM36 - widening the options considerably!

I'm going to add my make on my Instagram account & use the hashtag #jofybingo and it would be great if we could all do that (& link me to me using @jofyjo )(If you're not on Instagram - you need to be! Its like Twitter but with more photos - really interesting..) You can do this at any time during the week.

I'm really looking forward to the challenge. Don't for a minute think this is going to be easy for me because they're my designs!  you guys think of much more 'out of the box' ways of using the stamps - Lauren Hatwell's sheep made using the flower on JOFY45 springs to mind - I'll leave you to look that up! Its brilliant!

This is just for fun and occasionally I might throw in a prize.

I'll be back later today with the first draw - I hope you can join me!

PS if ever you need a bingo caller you know where to find me! lol

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