Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

29 January 2018

JoFY Bingo Wk.3

Foliage and festive seems to be the themes of this week's Bingo draw of numbers 12 & 28!

I didn't go with either of the themes of the stamps sets but I did embrace the 'fun times' sentiment...

I've always thought if you turned the long blue bauble (JOFY28) upside down it would make a great base for a clown - and that's what I intended to do... but then I started thinking and playing and this happened on my desk... a monster mash party! lol   They come 'alive' as soon as you add the googly eyes! (and you can't not smile when you see/use those!)

I reigned them in and created this journal spread - I had so much fun creating this!  Flowers and leaves used as body parts (I'll leave you to spot which go where) and baubles as bodies... Lots of masking off and paper piecing were used to create this..

I call this little fella 'Fancypants Fred' - he's wearing his best party clothes and blue suede shoes and is strutting his funky stuff!

...but he's not alone.... (the eyelashes are so cute!)

I didn't forget about the bauble/clown... but those of you with a fear of clowns might want to look away now.. lol  (I think it the googly eyes that make this one a little worrisome! lol)

This was fun - I even added a little 'watcher' to my day book...

(Jo: put the monsters down, move away from the stamps!)

I made monsters out of the flowers and baubles but seeing stamps in a new way doesn't have to be this extreme - how about stamping the flowers out and building them up to form a bigger flower... just sitting and playing with them can create some fun things.

If you are inspired to join in here are the 'rules'... (they're more like loose guidelines really...) :o)

The numbers are drawn on Monday, along with a project I've made using the corresponding stamp sets, then the plan is to:
  • Use/combine 2 stamp sets (use only those stamp sets - not all the stamps in each set - that would be too much of an ask but as long as there are one or two stamps from each set then its OK!)
  • 7 days to create 1 project, makers choice:  cards... atc... journal page... dimensional project... tag...
  • Use any paints/media, colours, embellishments, stencils/masks
  • Load up your project to Instagram any time during the week.  Please use Instagram links #jofybingo and @jofyjo in the text (not 'tagging' me please) so I can find it :o)
If you don't have an Instagram account you can add your make in the comments on the Facebook post linked to this blog post (facebook links: or )
I hope you can join in - I look forward to seeing what you create!



  1. so fun and creative - love your projects

  2. oh I love this project! I have got some of these stamps so will do my best, thanks for answering about the IG account!

  3. So funny monster you made with the chrismas stamps. I love them


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