Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

12 April 2008

Grinning and bearing it...

.... but only just! 2nd phase of braces went on yesterday and I can't even start to put into words how much my teeth hurt!!!!!!!!! :o(

and I've sold 3 of my 4 Etsy items, which is great, and so that took my mind off the pain for about 5 minutes! Yay!! (..... now I just have to make some more..........)

10 April 2008


Busy Busy Busy!

I've listed some bits on Etsy. (its only taken a year! lol)

If anyone would like to buy any of the listed items but doesn't have an Etsy account drop me an email or leave a comment and we'll sort something out.

Woooo-Hooo! Yeay!!

The elusive tin (see an earlier post) has been located!!!!! YAAAAAY!!

See, I hadn't imagined creating it!! When I get it back I'll post a picture.

Yay!! I'm so pleased its been found!! Thanks to CI for finding it!!

(& just so you know- it was not in our flat or the studio under a pile of creative bits & pieces - contrary to popular belief & speculation! M!)
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