Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

19 May 2009

When is a book not a book.......

folding book pages - strangely relaxing! I started off just folding them in half then I got a bit carried away...... no old hardback is safe! (and old books smell so good don't they? reminds me of going to the library when I was younger....) and in case you were wondering (though you probably weren't) the pages are symmetrical front to back....... no cutting involved just folding.
btw - can't actually close the book now! so its a good job I like how it turned out lol

17 May 2009

Banana Frog n bubbles

I have had a busy, busy week at work and a nice relaxing bubblebath (maybe with an accompanying glass of wine!) is the solution!
So when it came to my day over at Banana Frog I decided to give the bubblebath container a make-over so that while I am lying in my nice relaxing bath I can admire my work! lol
Find more info here

11 May 2009

My little 'gallery'....

I've been meaning to hang these pieces for AGES and yesterday I did it.... they're all pieces I've created (except for the big square painting which is by Denise Jaques) and I wanted to display them in one place rather than dotted around the flat... its a little gallery of 'mine'. Really pleased with how it looks and because the pieces are hung randomly (planned random if thats possible!) I can add to it as I go along/create more.
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