Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

30 July 2009

Card Inspirations....

I've put down the fabric and am back to creating-with-paper mode!

I've just spent two really enjoyable days teaching at Card Inspirations, topped off last night when the CI team spent the evening upstairs in their paint-your-own-pottery studio - really good fun. I painted a mug - I'll post a photo when I get it back after its been fired. I'm excited to see how it turns out - fingers crossed.

So, I thought I'd show you a couple of photos of the shop - excuse the focus (or lack of!) of the overhead shot - thats what happens when you hold the camera over your head, point and shoot!
The piccy only shows half of the shop - you'll have to use you imagination regarding the products on the other side of the shop - but its just as packed with creative 'stuff'!...

oooh look at all the lovely Bazzill! mmmm

and speaking of lovely... here are the Ranger goodies...

just a small sample of what the shop stocks.

Sign up for the next term of classes is the 5th September, brochures coming out soon. Contact the shop for more details.

Better get back to the paper crafting - lots of deadlines looming.........

26 July 2009

Happy Birthday Evie!

Its our goddaughter Evie's birthday and so I've made her this:

Its not too scary for a 2 year old is it? (I love her hair! - that trim was going to be part of her waist decoration but looks much better as hair!! lol)

(Note to self: Put the fabric down and move away from the sewing machine.... think paper, think card making....)

24 July 2009


I've got my PaperArtsy hat on today, and here's a sneakpeek of what I created - the castle from Crowns & Castle plate No 4 was just crying out to be 3d decoupaged (the photo's not showing that up to great effect, sorry!).

Amendment: I've decided that the previous photo on this post wasn't showing enough! so here's the complete tag!!


16 July 2009

Fancy Clancy!

It's the 16th so it's my day over at Banana Frog and I've made Doris (see previous post) a friend! His name is Clancy and he can be seen in all his Banana Frog fanciness over on the blog.

Clancy - I'll get your best side ... are you ready for your close up? Say 'Cheese'!

M, my dh, is working away at the moment and so he doesn't get to see our new kitten very much and when he does it seems to be the time when he and Lola are racing around like loons and 'fighting'.. .so M this piccy is for you, to show that they do love each other and aren't actually possessed by the devil!! lol Honest! lol

15 July 2009

My new little 'friend'

This is a little something I made this afternoon. It started off as my BananaFrog project for this month and then I lost my way a little - got distracted by the fabrics - and in the end there wasn't enough stamping to be my project (just the flowers on her 'skirt' and her left eye)... She's not very big - 14 x 17 cm and made out of calico (of course) and other scraps (the lovely Ikea paisley)
Its my first plushy/stuffie/ softie (whatever you want to call them) - Matt's named her Doris (don't know why) & I like that she looks a little confused - thats why I've made her arms go up in a kind of 'I don't know' way... not bad for a first attempt and I really enjoyed making her.
back to the Banana Frog project......

14 July 2009

I took some photos of the cards I've just been teaching but they're rubbish - the photos not the cards (lol) and so I'll try again tomorrow... how hard can it be to photograph cards?!! I might risk life and limb and get the photo tent out but then if I do that I'll have to leave it up 'til M gets home weekend after next (its a 2 person job to fold it down and its not even very big! lol)

I'm going to a Pecha Kucha Night this evening - this is where (quoting from their site): "each presenter is allowed 20 images, shown for 20 seconds each, giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps the presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show" so should be interesting.....

On another note, Christine Middlecamp (love her work!)(v inspiring) showed the latest releases from Crate Paper on her blog.... how gorgous is this new range!! That is ticking all the boxes on my favourite colours list - and it looks so nice I might even forgive the yellow thats in there......


13 July 2009

not completely AWOL!

.... I wasn't AWOL, I was at Card Inspirations for 3 days teaching 4 classes, had a great time - nice classes, nice people, nice projects so all good and I didn't come home too kn*ckered either! yay!
Now I'm properly back into designing 'n' making mode after my little health blip (95% back to normal) and thinking about christmas - yes christmas!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow, once I've babysat little Ethan (a bless of a nephew!) in the morning I'll come home, take some photo's and post some piccy's of what I've been up to.


6 July 2009

4+ hours in front of the TV....

Yesterday I had my day planned out - appointment with the optician (who said I looked 28 not 38, the old charmer!)(and he was quite old, and judging by that comment may have been the one in need of glasses!) (I'm getting that in before somebody else does!)(matt!) lol .. ..... aaaanyhoo I digress
so my planned day - opticians and then settle down to watch the Wimbledon Men's Final. I really wanted Federer to win - to get the record of most titles etc etc etc and for the fact that he is a joy to watch - makes it look sooooo effortless! But, I wanted to be doing 'something' to justify sitting there for what I imagined was going to be a long final - and in the end it was 4+ hours!!
So here's what I did: We had a bit of a bathroom clear out on saturday and threw away finished/spoiled fragrance bottles etc but I kept the packaging and during the tennis I die cut them.
So over the 4 hours the boxes went from this:

to this:

Lots of shapes for mounting and tags for greetings/ ribbons etc etc etc....

Fantastic match by the way if you didn't watch it.

2 July 2009

Craft Stamper

Check out this month's Craft Stamper - another great issue, including a project by me - sneak peek left.

Magazine available in shops tomorrow.

1 July 2009

JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously? its July!!

Thats all I have! Can't believe its July already!

Oh, I feel I should also post a photo to make your visit here today to my little corner of blogsville slightly more interesting! lol
Here's the card I made my Dad for Father's day, using nestabilities, The Slice, and Basic Grey papers (embellishment sheet).

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