Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

28 February 2015

In true 'Blue Peter' stylee....

... 'here's one I made earlier'!   another sample made at the trade show.. & sorry, no sticky-backed plastic on this project.. (do they even make things on Blue Peter any more?? is Blue Peter even ON tv now??) (aaah sigh.. who, as a child of the 60s, 70s, or 80,s didn't make something out of a toilet tube and a soda bottle! ...those were the days... lol)

aaaanyhoo - back to the present day... samples... well just the one sample actually but it comes in to parts.. its a mini concertina book - measures 9x9cm (I'm guessing because I don't have the sample here with me)

Covers are made from chipboard, painted in Slate mixed with Chalk.  I stamped several images from JOFY31:

The scribble circles are such useful stamps (going to be using those A LOT!) and the stitched scallop border... (I love a scallop border!!)
the diamonds, stamped in blue on the background, are from JOFY34 which is a lovely plate with several phrases ideal for journaling and scrapbooking and sized to fit on pocket scrapbooking cards.

The numbers are from this new 'oh-so-useful' Hot Pick stamp set:

and YES, I know the 2 is upside down (I planned it that way!) - that's what makes the covers 'perfectly imperfect'! don't you see its imperfect but perfect too.. get it?! no? ... oh never mind - I was being ironic... no?.. ok,  moving on..

Inside the book is a strip of 4 'pages' of smoothy ombre painted with Southern Skies (?.. or Smurf?), Prawn and Buff - show of hands please: who is LOVING Buff!  I wanted to include as many stamps as possible on this piece but I ran out of time.. the show was almost over... but I think I did quite well - at least 1 image from each of the plates released at the show...

Thanks for stopping by - don't forget Stamperama in on in Stevenage tomorrow - its a great show dedicated to all things stamping - if you're planning to visit have a lovely day.



27 February 2015

The 'to-do' list took over ....

... but better late than never.. here are a couple of photos of samples I made at the recent Trade Show..

The trade show is always interesting - lots of new and interesting products, lovely manufacturer stands (the Sizzix stand is always a beautiful display) and its inspiring.  & tiring but well worth the visit.

So here is sample no' 1 - my 'getting warmed up' sample.. a really simple less is more tag created with Smurf & Buff paints on the background and the seed heads are painted with Southern Skies, Smurf, Bougainvillea & mixed with Chalk to create tones of colour.  The washi tape on the top is an image from JOFY34 as are the seed heads...

Before I went to the show I created several sheets of paper-patchwork (see here for another post using the technique) and this time I used a yellow/pink/orange theme - I'm still trying to 'embrace yellow'...
(The lighting at the show wasn't ideal for taking photos - colours are a bit less vibrant in real life...)

This panel is a mash up of my stamps - JOFY33 & 31, Stencil PS011 and words are from Emma Godfrey's stencil PS019

I'll be back tomorrow with a couple more samples...

15 February 2015

Fun Girl and fun things!....

.... over on the PaperArtsy blog this evening - where I have this cute little project...

oh.. and these new stamps!  Yes - more stamps!  so excited to show you these new sets -  I hope you like them as much as I do. They will be available in PaperArtsy stockists very soon.

JoFY 31
JoFY 32
JoFY 33
JoFY 34

10 February 2015

JOFY Street...

... is made up of houses made by 'TeamJOFY' for the recent new stamp launch... I thought I'd share a few photos with you ..

This is one of two house panels I created - I wanted to show how the houses can be shortened - the green house on the left has been cut across just above the word 'bricks' and reattached just under the scallop roof line - virtually seemless!  The house can also be 'remodelled' by cutting a panel out - removing the centre 'floor' (cut just below and just above the windows).

I varied the height of the trees in the same way.

The houses are painted in Jade and Southern Skies - tone on tone.  The roof of each house is painted Slate - obviously! lol

Helen Chilton created this house against a stunning sunset - who wouldn't want to live there!

Kay Carley created this fabulous dimension card:
I love how she incorporated the tools (JM43) into the street scene.

Kay will be teaching this card as part of a class at The Craft Barn on 31st May - contact the shop or visit their website for more details.

So there it is - JoFY Street - the sun is always shining, the trees are green and life is good! :o)


9 February 2015

DLP: Journal Page

I created these pages a few weeks ago (part of the DLP) using new (& at the time secret) PaperArtsy paint colours and stamps and all I could show you was a sneek peek - but now all the products are released for you all to enjoy.  I thought I'd show you the entire spread - relatively simple - lots of open space & lots of lovely new paint colours!!

the hexagons are from JOFY30 (I think I'm going to be using that stamp often!), the colours used are Jade, Bufr, Prawn, Orchid, Bougainvillea, Chalk, Yellow Submarine and there's probably some Slate in there too!  The letters are painted in Black Gesso - LUSH!!


7 February 2015

Take one JOFY beach hut stamp ....

JOFY Mini 24

colour it brown, stamp tools using new JOFY stamp JM43 - tools that I designed to be just the right scale for the beach hut/ shed

and you have a nice little garden scene...

(The quote is JM40)


6 February 2015

Welcome to the wonderful world of.....

... Lynne Perrella, the designer of tonight's new products over on the PaperArtsy blog. Those of you who read Somerset Studio will be familiar with her work... and these stamps are stunning.

Here's Leandra's video introduction:

Another great set of samples using the fabulous Lynne Perrella stamps.

Take a look.


Patchwork Panel...

... another sample from the recent JOFY releases.

Creating paper patchwork panels can be a little bit addictive - cutting out random sized rectangles and squares, gluing them down, & adding journaling, stamping or stencils over the top... 

This is the blue tone panel I created using a 12x12 page as a base, and then cut it into smaller pieces - for this project it was a 6x6inch panel.

I used Buff -  one of the new JOFY Limited Edition Fresco Finish paints - to white was over the top - wiping so some of the patterned panels can almost be seen.  I also added a layer of Chalk in the same way.

I stenciled onto the panel using one of my new stencils - LOVE this design that was on one of my stencils last year and I had planned for it to be an arrangement of 3.  I stenciled in Slate - very happy that this is now in the main colour groups of the Fresco colours (as is Chalk! yay)

I cleaned the stencil, flipped it over and stenciled the design in Pearl Glaze - I like how this gives an iridescent translusent effect - sometimes you see it sometimes you don't - as shown in the photo above where the image disappears towards the bottom of the stem.

Here is the panel - mounted onto chipboard painted with Mermaid and State.


5 February 2015

Roll up.. Roll up..

.. more lovely new products tonight on the PaperArtsy blog:

first up Clare Lloyd:

and next is Emma Godfrey:

These are lovely stamps sets - all available from your local PaperArtsy stockist.


Busy Little Bees....

... are part of my new stamp sets, and I thought I'd show you a couple of samples I made for the blog release - they make me smile - chubby busy little bees!

This is JOFY30

And here are a couple of samples:

A card using the hexagons as honeycomb pieces, and nice chubby bee and a sentiment.

And on this 10x10cm panel the bees are busy and one is off to gather supplies..

These stamps are now available at your local PaperArtsy stockist.

There will be more new products revealed on the PaperArtsy blog tonight - so head over there at 7pm, and again at 7.15... you won't be disappointed!

4 February 2015

We're really spoiling you....

... over on the PaperArtsy blog this evening - THREE new product releases!!! 

oh yes indeedy you heard me correctly:

THREE!! - here are the launch videos:

First up is Sara Naumann:

Next is Darcy W:

and last but not least Liz Borer:

Amazing amounts of creativity on the blog tonight!! Congratulations to everyone on fantastic new products! 

3 February 2015

** NEW ** JOFY 2015....

Thank goodness - I can share with you my latest JOFY product designs... and I'm so excited to show you...(its been hard not letting any information slip!)

Leandra's put together a video telling you all about this release...

and over on the PaperArtsy blog you can see lots of samples that myself and a group of lovely creatives made with the new products. Please take a visit - the samples are lovely.

Tomorrow I have a project to show you created with the new stamps.

Hope you enjoy the new release.


2 February 2015

An exciting week...

.... over on the PaperArtsy blog....

Last night Leandra took us through the Fresco Finish paints

and tonight its the turn of the uber talented Lin Brown...

and the rest of the week is going to be just as exciting.... stop by the PaperArtsy blog each night at 7pm ...


1 February 2015

Exciting things...

... are happening on the PaperArtsy blog this week.. starting tonight with the Fresco Finish paints... bit of a reshuffle, new paints and lets face it -  you can never have too many paints can you!

Head over to the PaperArtsy blog for all the information and a great video from Leandra.

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