Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

21 March 2019

Fly my pretties, fly!

This spread in my small Dylusions journal makes me smile - its so... erm... busy!! Painting, stencilling, stamping, more painting....

I seem to be going through a 'add more colour, and make them bright!' stage at the moment... do you think its because I want it to be summer when all the flowers and colour starts appearing everywhere?
I've used Kay Carley's 'butterfly' on this spread - I loved it as soon as I saw it! It might make regular appearances - I think its going to look lovely with my flowers!

 Thanks for stopping by!


Mini mash-ups!

In January and February I went to the 3 craft industry trade shows - had a fun, tiring and inspiring time at all of them.... I demo'd at all 3 - some of my samples are over on the PaperArtsy blog as part of my post about the new stamps (HERE) and here are a couple more.  When I'm demo'ing I like to mix up the PaperArtsy ranges to see how they'll look together, and mix old and new of the JOFY stamps too... always fun to do...

Green and teal/turquoise blue is always a lovely combination...

The PaperArtsy mini stamp I used on here is one that Leandra had chosen for the stamps on the demo desk - I'd forgotten what a lovely little stamp it is.  I'm very tempted to buy another one so I can cut it up and have an alphabet set to use on journaling - the 'open' design means the letters could be coloured in... very useful!

This next sample has lots of white space (I do love a bit (a lot) of white space!) and is a mash-up of mine and Tracy Scott's newly released ETC24...

Thanks for stopping by...


17 March 2019

New Stamps!!

Yes indeedy... more new stamps!!!

Sketchy abstract flowers inspired by doodles & paintings made on holiday...

PaperArtsy Stencil 135 (PS135)

PaperArtsy Stencil 136 (PS136)

PaperArtsy Stencil 137 (PS137)

Its been soooo hard to keep these to myself - though you may have spotted some of the sketched stems in recent posts and projects (!) - I've really enjoyed using them and I hope you do too!

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you visit the PaperArtsy blog for the full release and more samples! go HERE


13 March 2019

A little bit of this'n'that....

... went in to creating this 5x7in canvas board.
I was just playing around and so didn't take any process photos, but after being asked about it on Facebook and Instagram I wanted to list the products I used.
PaperArtsy stencil: 

PaperArtsy stamps: 

(and a secret something...)

Elizabeth Designs:

Kaiser Craft:
Foliage (DD506) :  sadly now discontinued :o(  
Decorative Dies Foliage

Paint colours, Fresco Finish (of course, lol) were.. I think...
Lavender, Cerise, Vanilla, Koala, maybe Bougainvillea, and possibly some Seaglass (gotta love a Seaglass! lol), and a touch of Green Patina/Sargasso

These might not be the exact colours but when you blend them they are going to look FAB.U.LOUS!

Play with the colours - you'll find things you didn't expect and have fun!

Search for these items at your local shops, and online.

Thanks for stopping by!

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