Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

23 April 2007

Shame on me!! Can't believe its been so long since I posted!!

I carry my small camera around with me all the time 'cos you never know when you'll see something that you HAVE to capture...

...yes, those are indeed ducks using a zebra crossing! (at Asda's in Shoebury) Bless - the first two stood on the kerb waiting for the 3rd one to come along and then they all crossed!
d'you see what I mean - who'd have thought I'd have needed my camera at the supermarket!


On Wednesday I had a call and was asked to judge the final heat of the WI Wray (spelling?) Area Annual Card Making competition. So on Saturday I went along and made my decisions - I was surprised how hard it was to decide: each card was good in its own way and they were all very different so it was quite difficult!

PaperArtsy Design Team pieces

I am shamefully overdue with some pieces for PaperArtsy - but have finally got them finished and they'll be in the post tomorrow (had planned on sending them last week but had another burst of creativity and so held on 'til this week.)

Journal/Scrapbook cover

l to r: monocromatic paper piece, fabric collage. I really enjoyed creating the fabric collage - forgotton how nice it is to work with fabric...


At the shops .......

From this shoe ...errmm.....'display' (using the term loosely!)

came these lovelies...

How cute are they!! shabby chic 'birkenstocks' complete with printed crackleglaze! ... and for £4.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!! such a bargain I bought another pair - pewter cracked 'leather'! Bargain!

3 April 2007

When I Grow Up.......

Now, I'm not saying I had wanted to be a Cream Cheese Triangle when I grew up... but I was fairly convincing aged 6 or 7!

1 April 2007

ArtyATC April Swap - Emotions

I've thought about cutting words/ phrases out of books and using them on artwork . . . and read somewhere about not always just reading along the line but look at how words from one line relate to the words directly below them to get quirky/unintended - thats how I got the phrase used on these ATCs - "the need to keep my desire for Chanel" . . . and I knew exactly how I wanted to use it.......... and this photo of a man was in a batch of photos I bought on ebay..... he's perfect!! The lovely kiss curls, the pristine suit and lovely corsage - it just shouts a desire for the loveliness of Chanel!! (the 'confidential' strip protects his identity - well he wants to keep it a secret doesn't he!!) :o) It doesn't really show up in the photo but I've given him diamante earrings and a bit of lippy! Every time I look at these they make me chuckle....
I'm going to make a bigger version - more complex, with more background images etc.. but I'm liking these ATCs and they just about fit into the 'Emotions' theme of the month - well 'desire' is an emotion isn't it?!
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