Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

14 September 2007

** I'M GOING TO SEE PRINCE IN CONCERT **!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The purple wonderfullness (is that even a word? - I don't know, don't care!!) that is Prince at the O2 Stadium in London, in the round !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we're sitting (well, probably jumping up & down & dancing :o)) 5 rows from the front!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Thank you sooooo much Matt!!) (and sorry M, in advance - this is going to cause me to be singing lots of Prince tracks for a while (before and after the event!) .........)

Now, please excuse me while I go off and dance like a person possessed around the flat for a while - probably 'til I have to go to college at 12.00!! (and I may start again when I get back!!!)

Will post something more creative and sensible later!

Did I mention that I'm going to see Prince!!??



  1. Anonymous9:36 am

    Oh my god, what have I done!!!???

  2. Anonymous4:10 pm

    who's Prince ??????

    LOLOL, just kidding !! enjoy !!!


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