Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

4 May 2008

Bad blogger, bad blogger...

haven't posted for ages...
lots going on...
sewing like a busy little bee - packs of embellished flowers sold out on Etsy - there were only 7 packs but hey - they still sold out - and I got a big order from one of the buyers so am chuffed - see- it pays to put yourself out there! :o)
but, on the down side I have quite a few projects that HAVE to be finished and passed on to others and they are hanging heavy on my conscience... as is my paperwork for work - I'm normally SO good with getting paperwork done but it just has got me this time...
anyway here are a few pics...

sights like this from the kitchen window fill me with awe.. you could actually see the colours moving on this rainbow.. beautiful

The spread for my PA Squiggly Ink round robin... my plate was the alphabet which I really liked as a background rather than cutting it up and using for spelling words... and I've used some of my flower embellishments - really pleased with how they look on the page.

1 comment

  1. Anonymous9:24 am

    What a lovely rainbow - right over my old flat - wish our house was as easy to sell as our flat was!!! :-)


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