Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

28 December 2013

Sometimes its good... part 2

.... so remember the other week when I showed you my little sketchbook and it looked like this:

well I spilled paint on the cover by accident & so had to pretty it up- & now it looks like this (nothing that a touch of opaque Fresco Finish paint can't fix!):

I took the book on holiday with me - a nice portable size - I also took with me a 'travel kit of arty bits' - we went to Mexico for 2 weeks and I'm not good at laying in the sun (I don't go brown fast enough!)(and I get restless - unlike MrJoFY who happily lays in the sun ALL day!)- so I like to pack a 'things to do when the sun gets too hot!' emergency kit... (which probably helps to explain the weight of my suitcase lol)

Its not just the cover that has changed - the pages are looking different too.. as I started working in the book I realised that little flip up/flip out pages weren't the direction I was going in and so they were taken out and re-stuck in the back.. just in case I needed them (too interesting to throw away!)
(I like how these mini pages now flip up, down, sideways & over... interesting ... and great for 'hidden' journaling)

here's part of the 'entrance ticket' page:

On other pages I painted Snowflake Fresco Finish through stencils and then washed over them with Koh-i-noor watercolour (dye) paints and created a resist... then I doodled over the top - love how these turned out..
The page below was a little different - stenciled and painted over the top in 2 colours and then watersplashed the page - flowers on right are created by doodling over the white circles created by the water - trying to disguise or make use of them..
 This page was filled by one big word, and then later added borders - once you start doodling its hard to stop!
Page filled with circles an flowers - doodling circles is very relaxing...
painting, stenciling, bit more painting... bit more stenciling...

The sketchbook is now very inky/painty and is only just closing shut(with the help of a VERY big bulldog clip!) - and this is  how the page edges look - great colour combo...

So thats the quick tour through some of the pages of my mini sketchbook.. I'd really encourage you to try pages/books that are out of your comfort zone or not what you would normally reach for when creating - you might find something that you really like..



  1. Fabulous transformation, Jo!

  2. Anonymous7:08 pm

    I love your new journal. The cover looks great, as do all the painted & stencilled pages - fantastic.

  3. ooooooooooo all that colour and texture makes my fingers twitch. LOVE it!! Especially the leafy/ circle/ white spot page. You have some great stuff going on there Jo.
    Wishing you a happy New Year!

  4. Love it Jo. Makes me want to get my paints out! Suz x

  5. love it Jo. Only wish I was as imaginative.


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