Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

13 February 2014

JOFY 2014...stamps & stencils & paints... oh my!!

.... thank goodness!  I can now show you my latest JOFY designs for PaperArtsy... (can't tell you how hard its been not to show you teeny tiny little sneek peeks here and there!... I'm almost at bursting point!

... and its not just stamps this time - the range has been widened to include stencils and paint!! This is all so exciting for me - I loved designing the stencils & the very lovely (in my humble opinion lol) paint.
Big thanks to the lovely supportive & encouraging Mr & Mrs PaperArtsy who work so hard to bring all these designs to you.

I hope these new products inspire you to get creative!... :o)

4 new A5 stamp plates... 8 new minis...

I designed an open alphabet so that can be used by scrapbookers, journalers, cardmakers and zentaglers - everyone hopefully!:


Lots of lovely new flowers that will co-ordinate with previous plates.. and a vase to put them in:











4 flower designs - great for colour, texture paste etc etc etc..  good weight of acetate - lots of exciting possibilities..




4 Limited Edition Opaque Fresco Finish paints...  oooh be still my paint loving heart!

All new JOFY stamps, stencils and paint will be available via your local stamp store in the coming weeks.  I hope you have fun with them.

If you came here directly, thank you, & I suggest you now head over to the PaperArtsy blog where DTGuestDesigners have created some gorgeous samples using the stamps stencils and paints...

Brand new stamps are exciting & I'd like to get you all inspired and creating - so leave a comment (before the 20th February) & two lucky peeps (picked at random) will win a set of new JOFY stamps.  
Good luck!  :o)




  1. Hi Jo they are really great, can't wait to get my painty mitts on these.!!!

  2. Been lookin forward to your new releases and certainly you've done it again a marvellous collection and the new addition of stencils and paints perfect think I need a bigger box to hold my Jofy stamps in x


  3. Love the new goodies, can't wait to get my hands on it all.

  4. Sarah S7:28 pm

    The paints and number 24 are my favourites. Birthday soon yey!

  5. Can't wait!! They're really lovely! And the stencils!! Beautiful!! I'll even forgive you for there being no cats!!!!

  6. Oh my, am loving the new releases Jo, and those paint colours are a definite must have. Can't wait to get my hands on them.
    Hugs Jude x

  7. Congratulations Jo, every single new item is a must have but my faves have to be the vase, the bull rushes and that birdcage is just way too cute!!! x

  8. Jo I love all these new stamps - and the stencils - and the paint! I wish I could have bought the entire collection on Sunday!

  9. ho I dreamt of it jofy made it ! isn't it wonderful !

  10. Love your new collection Jo. Plenty to get my crafty teeth into and stencils, stamps and colours will help me to improve my layering. Thanks for all the inspiration. Xx

  11. A great new collection Jo. Love the bullrushy stencil and great paint colours too!

  12. Love everything you have released Jo! I have already ordered mini jm38, stencil PS010 & NEED plate 23 & Stencil ps007, that's just for starters.

    Thank you for designing such versatile, happy stamps and stencils. I go to your stamps to cheer me up! Looking forward to popping over to the PA Blog to see who's been creating with your designs:-) xxx

    1. aaw i love your 'i go to your stamps to cheer me up!' comment - what more could i ask for - that made me happy! :o)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Great colours Jo, your stamps are wonderful. I love the tag with the blue ribbon, would love to see how you created it? X

  15. These are all fabulous Jo ..... already spotted them on my favourite craft site which means I'll be penniless by the weekend. Love the stencils too ... keep them coming. x

  16. The stamps are gorgeous and love the stencils. Grunge paste and paint here I come. xx

  17. Wow wow wow, they all look fantastic, they will add to my collection beautifully xx Zoe xx

  18. OMG you have outdone yourself this time - they are all fabulous, and I would be very pleased to give some a new home!

  19. oooo these are soooo pretty and a must have too....i really do NEED them!! Wonder if eye fluttering at hubby will work or i will just nag him to death and tell him that i really really really NEED them *fingers crossed* that will either one will work!! hehehehe
    hugs and xxx

  20. Wow, wow ,wow, I need them all, the limited colours are beautiful Jo. One very talented lady. How can I get away with getting them all. Lol

  21. stamps are fab, stencils are too die for but the paints, amethyst and teal, just cannot wait to play with them. Well done Jo .. x

  22. Think the alphabet and number stamps are great. The special edition paints look fab too. Looking forward to getting these. :-)

  23. these are great and love the paint mix - have brought a journal........... still planning but these elements would be a dream to work with :)

  24. These are such happy stamps...the sets work so well together to create happiness

  25. Just discovered your stamps and I love them. Need to get the older ones and the new ones too.

  26. Wow these new stamps and stencels looks amazing, can't wait to have them in my collection, and to work with them!!! And your exemples look really gorgious!!!


  27. OH MY - be still my beating heart ! I want and need them all. These are just beautiful Jo. How clever you are. I could just use your stamps (and paints) only from now on and would be so happy. I have to have them.....can my bank balance survive ? Fingers crossed I get picked then !


  28. I was lucky enough to buy the paints and stencil PS007 on Sunday - ready and waiting on my craft table for a spare hour to use them - the rest are on my list for Mother's day and birthday ! xx ps loved the sample boards for these.

  29. I love them Jo, have already ordered and recieved today some of your new stamps, stencils & paints. The rest are on my wish list :) They are great to create a layout. Can't wait to get home from work to use them.


  30. Fabulous new products Jo, especially love the stencils, well done.

  31. Wowzers my little list for Port Sunlight has just grown, big time! Love all the new stamps, stencils and the paint cooorrrr, can't wait to get hold of them. Elizabeth x

  32. Gorgeous new goodies! I love JOFYstamps, especially all the flowers, but don't own any yet. However, I have a tingling feeling I'll be parting with my pennies quite soon... ;D

  33. They are all so beautiful Jo and I love the stencil additions, I really love stencils. The paint colours are gorgeous, going to need a small bank loan I think!

    Emma x

  34. Hi Jo,

    Love your new stamps, stancils AND PAINTS!!! How jofy can you get!!!Lol!!!
    Jofy is the only thing that helps me relax after homework, I hate homework!:(, but I do it anyway!

    All my crafty love from,
    Bracken xxx.

  35. Anonymous9:27 pm

    Gorgeous, Jo! Here are the stencils I sniffed out the other day -- GREAT. Mr. & Mrs. PA are breaking all records with this release, and ruining my budget big-time! Ha!
    Greetings from Sally in France

  36. Congratulations on a fabulous release, Jo - the stencils are beyond cool, and the new stamps are delicious!
    Alison x

  37. Anonymous12:27 am

    Love the new paint colours and oh! those minis are fabulous - can't wait to get some of those :)
    All fabulous
    Lynn x

  38. Wow all the products are fab. Need them all..... They bright and fresh ready for Spring!
    The samples are very inspirational. You are a talent lady Jo!

  39. How lovely as always, I can't wait to get mine!!

    Margaret x

  40. Just love them all Jo - stamps, stencils and that pretty paint set!!! It's really not fair of you to make us all so poor!!!!! Kay x

  41. Anonymous12:42 pm

    These are gorgeous Jo - always drool over your plates and samples. On my wish list - at least mother's day and my birthday not too far off :+} Petal

  42. Love them all, Can´t wait to order every single one of them. I´m so happy about your collection!!!

  43. I am loving that versatile alpha - oh what fun will be had with them
    Fabulous new collection Jo - Congrats

  44. Already building a journal page in the mind with those super paint colours, bulrushes and that FAB FAB alpha (whooooo what possibilities with those little beauties)
    Congrats Jo on an amazing collection of goodies

  45. Melinda Ferraz9:43 pm

    I just love your stamps and now your stencils and paints... on my way to getting them all!!

  46. Can`t really add much to what the others have said - the new products are quite simply beautiful and makes me yearn to possess all of them. When I do get them I shall probably spend a fair amount of time just stroking them and cooing softly to myself. Please don`t shout at me, I know you all have been very busy, but can you get together with Leandra and Mark and release some co-ordinating die cuts too????? PS Thanks so much for all the inspiration!

  47. I love the paint colours. Couldn't resist a stencil and stamp to get me started. So many lovely new releases from PaperArtsy my poor little piggy bank is quite empty

  48. Am such a lucky girl!! Can't wait to get the post!.


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