Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

11 January 2015

ALBOTAT: New layout, new desk...

.... I reorganised my workroom recently... It hasn't been working for me for a while.. It's a nice size but felt cramped - never enough worktop space (but isn't that always the case?!).  So we (hubby & I) moved the desk (which is in the centre of the room) rotating it 90 degrees... Taadaa!!!  Surprising how much space that simple alteration created!  I'd always wanted/dreamed of a second desk in the room - somewhere I could keep my sewing machine and diecut machine out all time... (I'd use them more if they were easily accessible, I hope!)... a 'clean' desk - away from the existing inky painty desk.. 
I'm very grateful to my oh-so-handy hubby who built a desk out of an 'off cut'  length of worktop left over from our kitchen refit (it's 1.7m long lol!! a little bit more than an 'off cut' lol) - it fits in the 'dead space' under the window... It's nice to put this to good use & it's perfect for its intended use- heat proof, easy to clean, sturdy:  win win.
Hubby did good! (& he braved Ikea on a Sunday (& during their sale) to get the legs! Lol).

So there they are- my new desks that make it feel like a new room! ... I find it so much easier to work in... the only downside is that I now have TWO desks to keep tidy!
I'd encourage you to move your work spaces around if possible- is surprising the difference it can make - if just storage on desks or shelves... (and you 'rediscover' items.. in my experience lol)

PS: this photo was taken just after desks were finished & so tidying is needed, but that's for another day... when the 'to-do' list is shorter



  1. lucky you!! two desks - I dream of one!

  2. Lovely space Jo. Mine could do with arranging lol.


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