Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

10 May 2017

When real flowers aren't allowed....

... you have to find an alternative!

My dad is in hospital at the moment, and the hospital (like a lot of others) doesn't allow real flowers - which seems a shame because they really brighten up a room don't they?!  So, I made him a basket of flowers - JOFY flowers.. seemed appropriate.  So with a flat basket from Hobbycraft, papers from my stash, JOFY stamps and a (Stix2) hot glue gun I made him this:

Happy to say that my Dad loved it.  :o)


  1. Oh, Jo, das ist so wunderschön geworden, sieht traumhaft aus.
    Ein wunderschöner Blumenkorb.
    Ich hoffe, deinem Vater geht es bald besser, alles Gute für ihn.
    Liebe Grüße von Sophie

  2. Beautiful! Even better than real flowers.

  3. sorry your Dad is in hospital, hope he gets better soon. the basket of JoFY flowers is perfect, next best thing to real ones!

  4. Wowser! Wish your dad a speedy recovery Jo. Lx

  5. Fabulous alternative, better than real ones too as this will last. Get well soon Jo's Dad x

  6. So pretty and unique. I love how you added those flowers to a real basket. I never heard of a hospital that does not allow real flowers. I agree, they sure brighten a room.

  7. I bet your dad loved it. Glorious, happy and such a personal basket of flowers. So clever and so creative x

  8. What a beautiful basket of flowers, and your Jofy stamps make it so personal. I hope your Dad gets better soon

  9. Such a creative and fun idea. So pretty and I just love it! x


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