Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

28 April 2020

#the100daysproject 2020 #100days100circles Part 1

The start of April saw the start of the #the100dayproject  Its an Instagram project that each participant interprets in their own way - pick a topic and do it for 100 days.  Back in 2018 I joined in with my #100daysinthelifeofaline - this created a concertina book measuring just under 10m... You can see it the finished project HERE

I liked the format of that project - nice small pages (9.5x9.5cm) - so I'm using it again this year (I also think the two books will look cute stacked together on a shelf  lol)  but this year its all about CIRCLES!!


Anything goes - as long as there is a circle involved! - painted, stamped, doodled, embossed, paper pieced, collaged, cut, stencilled, die cut - seriously - ANYTHING!! as long as its a circle - they don't need to be the same size (though I do like them centred)

Here are the first few days....

I'm really enjoying creating these little bite size pieces - I'd recommend taking part in the project... there's no pressure, do as much or as little as you want, choose whatever theme you want and most importantly (for me) is that its  FUN!  and relaxing - or challenging, its up to you!

Thanks for stopping by



  1. Loving your 100 days artwork Jo. I will finish what I set out to do this year and next time will follow your advice and make it easier to keep up with! Thanks for sharing. Stef x

  2. They are all delicious...1 day at a time is actually what we have to do these days. Loving your post.💖🌺


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