Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

12 April 2010

mmm nice!...

ooh feast your eyes on these lovelies.... or if you don't like buttons look away NOW!
I sat down the other evening and sorted my buttons into colour jars..(yes maybe I had too much time on my hands that evening! lol) (but I found it very relaxing.. ) normally I keep them in jars sorted by brand but I suddenly realised it makes much more sense to store them like this.. but that was really hard for me to do - to split the brands up and just see them as colours of buttons... they are now just a big lovely button stash.. Nice ... VERY nice!!
I really like the yellow/orange group which suprised me because I don't like yellow very much...

This is just the new buttons - there are several other cookie jars with old, vintage and gifted buttons to be gone through yet!  I might keep those seperated from the new ones.. don't know yet - I'll sort them into colours jars and then decide whether to combine them or not.. decisions... decisions....

In the meantime I'll just sit back and admire them.. maybe run my fingers through them... .. or line them up in rows of light to dark.. or possibly go and find something more constructive to do.. lol


  1. What a lovely task and how rewarding - they look good enough to eat!

  2. ROFL I can just imagine you sitting running your fingers through piles of buttons... it is therapeutic to sort through them though... I did mine recently so I know what you mean.
    Chris xx


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