Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

21 June 2013

The Leigh Art Trail & Southend Adult Community College

... every year the shops and Artist Studios of Leigh-on-Sea display the work of local artists... as part of this massive art exhibition Southend Adult Community College (SACC) displays the work of students.
The Student Exhibition used to be much bigger - displayed on 2 sites, taking up several (lots of) rooms - coordinating/hanging the exhibition used to be my job (but I gave it up) so this year it was quite refreshing to only be responsible for displaying my students work... I don't miss the stress involved but I do miss the interaction with everyone and seeing the pleasure and sense of achievement the students get from seeing their work displayed in an exhibition.

The work of students on the 'Dimensional Cards' class:
The students created some lovely pieces over the five week course... lots of measuring, folding, cutting & creating.  Well done to the students - the work was well received.  :o)

Sorry I don't have photos of the other exhibits - but I'm sure if you headed over to the SACC website there would be some there.  :o)

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