Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

7 July 2013

Last week I had plans.....

... well organised plans... which were unfortunately scuppered by unforeseen events which meant I had to take a week out of my normal day-to-day.

I had to cancel workshops at The Stamp Attic - sorry to everyone who was booked on the workshops - Wendy and I will organise/reschedule and I hope you are able to rebook and join me.  I don't ever like to cancel workshops but I had no choice - 'take it easy' was among the instructions given on leaving hospital... (but its hard to take it easy and the more you do it the more tired you become!) (in my experience! lol)

Aaaaanyhoo - last weekend, before my week ground to a halt, I taught workshops at Birds in the Barn - lots of fun creating cards and a canvas with the JOFY stamps - and I was chuffed when Bracken (youngest member of the class) gave me a name badge she'd made for me. I love it and its going on my pinny. Thanks again Bracken :o)

So 'taking it easy' this week has meant not going out much - luckily it was final week of Wimbledon so at least there was something (not repeats! yay) on the TV... and what an amazing Wimbledon it was! Shockers all round but AT LAST... & Britain has only waited a mere SEVENTY SEVEN years!!!!! (we are a patient nation!)... but at last Britain(Scotland) has a Wimbledon Men's Champion!!!  Phew!
Well done Andy Murray.... (I'll hold my hand up and admit I've not always been his biggest fan but he played a great tournament and was a worthy winner)

Today PaperArtsy ran their first Retailer Day in Brentwood - I popped in as Brentwood is only 20 minutes away so not too tiring for me... lovely to see everyone getting inky-painty - I didn't take any photos except this one - me & the oh-so-talented Darcy with her lovely JOFY girls (which I love!)

So that is a round up of the week that really wasn't... next week I'll hopefully be back to 'normal' and will be coming to you with photos of .. creative stuff... & news ;o)

Oooh one last thing - I'll leave you with a pretty picture - we have 2 sambucas bushes in our garden that we brought with us from previous houses, and they have teeny tiny flowers on them:
Amazing - those flowers are only about 5mm in size - possibly smaller - nature is amazing.

... and speaking of teeny tiny - while I was looking for the above photo I found this picture:
..... this teeeeny tiny snail was on a leaf of another bush in the garden... sooo tiny! (but I don't care how small it is it should still stay away from my dahlias and lupins! lol)

That's enough waffling... hoping next week has an air of normality to it!



  1. Sounds like you have had a bit of a week from hell - hope you will be fully up and running very soon! The day at PA HQ yesterday sounds great fun, from what I see on twitter, the "after show" party went on into the small hours.. good thing you'd have been tucked up by then! Those JoFY girls of Darcy's are just gorgeous. Hope you have a better week!

  2. Hi Jo. So sad to hear you've been under the weather. Hope it wasn't us last week!!! It was lovely to see you yesterday- what an enjoyable day! Take it easy Jo and get better quickly. xxx

  3. Hope you're resting well - it sounds like you've had a difficult time - but lovely pics of the JOFY girls and your summery garden!
    Alison x

  4. It was great to see you at the PaperArtsy day. Take it easy and enjoy the lovely sunshine!


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