Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

28 November 2015

A sticky variation...

.... but in a good way.

Its my turn over on the PA blog this evening you can go HERE to read it.

I wanted to talk about the above panel.. and the perils of using book text.. I used one of the stickers - painted the flowers and added text.. I painted the text in Dusty Teal to tie in with the Gelli® printed pattern on the background.
When I was finished I covered the back panel of the frame in book text (a 1950/60s book) and attached the sticker.  I smudged around the edge to help it pop off the surface slightly.
I also added a kraft die cut flower and gem to add a bit of sparkle.

This is how I planned for the finished piece to look - without the strip of painted masking tape...

It was all assembled, attached, embellished and ready to be 'admired'... and then I had a final quick read/scan of the text to make sure there was nothing inappropriate before I uploaded it to the blog/web.... and there RIGHT UNDER THE PANEL - was a reeeeeally unacceptable word (imho)!
It  was an 'o m g I'm so glad I spotted that!!' moment. (and don't look for it - I've smudged it out! lol on each photo!)

I looked at it and thought I've invested too much time in the project to just throw it away, so looked around for a rescue.... the masking tape!!  What a happy accident - the tape that was printed/painted as part of the gelli printing process was the perfect addition to hide the word - and of course it matched!
Taaaadaaaa & phew!

So my live and learn lesson from this is:   always remember to have a quick read/scan of a book page before you use it... this is something I always suggest to people in my classes when we're using old books (which, hands up, I totally forgot to do!) - what might've been and an acceptable phrase/term 50/60/70 years ago might not be acceptable now.

It all turned out well in the end.. I hope this has inspired you to gelli print, stamp, paint and use book pages - but always check your book text first!



  1. Such a good tip to read the printed text, something I never do... turned out fab though.

  2. OMG! Thank GOODNESS you checked. Phew! It's a gorgeous project. So glad you managed to save it. Lx

  3. So nice picture.
    And I love all the cards you have in the Paperartsy blog. What a great ide to stamp om label.

  4. love your final picture - really pretty. Good job you checked - I'm currently using an old book about flowers so I should be safe xx

  5. Suzanne1:55 pm

    Remember seeing a project in a magazine a few years ago where somebody obviously hadn't read the text before it was published!

  6. Loved this post Jo, so original and inspiring,

    Lucy x


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