Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

31 January 2022

Its a mega mini book....

Hi, welcome... 

In front of my desk there's a window ledge, and on that ledge there's a book - the little book that inspired & prompted the #52bitesizedbooks project.  The book is roughly the same size as the 52 but has many many more pages... 

If you'd like a nosey through the book here's a little video...

If you have any questions pop them in the comments.

Thanks for stopping by


30 January 2022

The #52bitesizedbooks project!


How are you today?

I have been getting all the details sorted for my #52bitesizedbooks project - I've loaded all the 'flick through' videos onto my 'Jo Firth-Young' YouTube channel, and in the future I'll add any bigger 'how to' videos I decide to make.  Its all a learning curve, a little challenging, but fun!

If you'd like to visit my channel (and subscribe - that would be great, thanks in advance)... you can find it under 'Jo Firth-Young'.

To recap - In 2022 I'm making a 'bite-sized book' each week... you can see the measurements in the photo above. Little books made from this'n'that, doodles, die-cuts, stamping, stenciling - anything goes!

I've uploaded a simple tutorial video about the #52bitesizedbooks project - if you're interested in finding out more then you can watch it here or over on YouTube with all the other videos...

This is all you need to get started....


If you'd like to join me - making however many you like, whenever you like - use and follow the hashtag #52bitesizedbooks over on Instagram - I'd love to see what you fill your tiny books with!

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments.


04/52 Bite-sized books...


I've just about settled into a routine of making and uploading my #52bitesizedbooks. 

This week's book has a few die-cuts. To create a quote I die cut letters from pieces of coloured card stock and used the panels on one spread ....

and then used the die cut letters on a second page - it was its own sort of anagram - very happy accident!

'Talk less, smile more' is a line from the Hamilton musical - I LOVE that show and the line is such good advice... and each time I read it I find myself singing the following line which is 'don't let them know what you're against or what you're for...' and yes, I've watched Hamilton so many times that I can quote the lyrics.. lol ... thanks to Disney+ (I've also seen Hamilton on stage - a clever, brilliant piece of theatre - I thoroughly recommend it)

Some JOFY stamps made their way into this book to - a christmas star and a quote.... well, it would be rude not to use my own stamps wouldn't it!

Here is 4/52....

Thanks for popping by...


23 January 2022

03/52 Bite-sized books...


Week 3 of #52bitesizedbooks ... this week's book is predominately made of kraft pages - I love a bit of kraft as a substrate! 

Here are the first 3 books stacked - its great how thick they look and all those lovely threads and bits and pieces poking out! Gorgeous!

Here is book 3/52

Thanks for popping in...



20 January 2022

02/52 Bite-sized books...


I'm really enjoying making these little books - I've had to stop myself finishing more than one a week!
I'm making little videos of each of them for the blog - these are going to be quite quick - less than 2 minutes (lol there are only 6 pages to show you!)  accompanied by a nice soothing soundtrack... I was going to delete the noise of the pages turning but I actually quite liked that sound so I've kept it on... its a nice way to show the details (Instagram Reels only allows 15 seconds!!).

If you have any questions pop them in the comments.

aaanyhoo - here is book 2/52

Thanks for popping in


9 January 2022

01/52 Bite-sized books... or snack-sized signatures....

Well hello!!  

Happy New Year!!!

New year, new project.... 

52 little books - these photos show the 35 I've made so far, I thought I'd give myself a headstart and get a feel for the project.

Each book measures approximately 2.5inches square-ish - give or take 1/2inch or so - made up of the bits and pieces that I can't seem to throw away because:

* they're interesting
* "aaw I loved this paper and don't want to throw it away"
* it looks useful
* I'd die cut extras
* I like a challenge

These 'books' - more like pamphlets really - are made of 3 pieces of paper/card (may or may not be accurately measured/folded - I'm embracing imperfection) folded in half and stapled in the middle... keeping it simple.

52 books - one for each week of the year... they are the signatures that will build up to be a book - not sure how I'll bind them together - that's a decision for further on in the project... very much depends on how big the project gets...

This will be a lovely project to work on through the year - giving a home to all the little bits and pieces that end up on my desk... and one a week is very achievable. Their size makes them easy to work on when I have a spare five minutes or need to find a home for the previously mentioned 'bits and pieces'.

Here's 1/52....

Thanks for popping by..

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