Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

30 September 2013

A (di)stress free weekend...

I spent Saturday at Birds in the Barn running a Distress Workshop - effects and techniques you can create with the inks, (paints) and stains... we painted, bleached (love the effect of the bleach!), resisted and marbled - all very inky!!
.. and relaxing and everyone went home surprisingly clean! .. must have been something to do with the bleach and shaving foam! lol

Sunday was spent in the garden - tidying it up, digging it up, moving plants and furniture about.... gardening is a great form of exercise! I ache all over! lol  but it was worth it - the garden looks great (especially the patio where MrJoFY removed all the weeds from between the slabs! weeds had grown a lot because we sprayed the flower tubs on the patio with 'miracle grow' so of the course plants and weeds grew! lol as if weeds don't grow fast enough anyway! gggrrr)

... and sadly we had to cut down the five sunflowers I'd grown - was quite proud of these - probably slightly misplaced pride because even small children can grow sunflowers so for a 42yr old (that's me!) to grow them is not overly impressive! (and especially if you saw my f-i-l's sunflowers - size of dinner plates - amazing!)
But I grew them, kept them alive (sunflowers are quite high maintenance- need LOTS of water!) and so I'm happy:




  1. Anonymous5:07 pm

    I'm glad you had a nice weekend. The tags look great & that card is gorgeous. When the sunflowers are finally finished, don't forget to keep the heads & let them dry out. The birds will love to eat the seeds during the winter.

  2. Sounds like you had a great weekend too, love the tags and card. Sunflowers always look so happy...

  3. Beautiful card, and the tags look like they were a lot of fun in the making.
    Who doesn't love a beautiful sunflower??


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