Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

7 September 2013

Its beginning to look a lot more like Christmas....

... at PAHQ and my house!  PaperArtsy and I have just released new Christmas JOFY designs to get everybody in the festive spirit... hohoho
Its almost time to dust off the tinsel, start baking the mince pies, practice being nice (not naughty) and please, take a look at my latest release of festive loveliness...

In the 4 A5 plates and 8 minis there's something for everyone - stars, trees, bunting (we must have bunting- its the festive season! a rule in JoFYland), a tasty christmas pudding and a few signs to point Father Christmas in the right direction! lol
And who needs 3 wise monkeys when you can have 3 wise snowmen to steer you through the festive season..

8 mini designs.. some of which you could you use all year round:

May I be first to wish you 
a very merry christmas and happy and healthy 2014!

*ducks and runs for cover from the Bah Humbugs among you!*


  1. You are definitely the first lol, thank you. I have a stamp which reads "ho bl00dy ho" which i use a lot and is a firm festive favourite:-)

    Your stamps are as always spectacular:-)

  2. Love the stamps Jo well done again! Looking forward to getting my wooly mits in them LOL
    Happy craftin

  3. Brilliant stamps there - especially love the Santa stop here! Brilliant Jo.

  4. Love them all..... it´s am must have for me :)


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