Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

23 September 2013

Weekend in Warwickshire....

... teaching workshops at Pink Tulip Creations ... such a fun weekend with lively groups of 16/17 inky painty peeps - they might not have been inky painty when they arrived, but they were by the time they left!

Learning about Fresco Finish paints, including the yummy new colours! and creating a canvas (full photo is here)...
It was a great weekend - the shop was full of lovely stock, nice airy classroom area... and lovely people - thank you Sheila and the team!  Look forward to seeing you all again in October!
Brace yourselves- I'm bringing Christmas!!!

On the way to dinner I saw some 'proper' gypsies camped at the side of the road - Romany Gypsies with round topped wood caravans - and countless ponies (all in v good condition) - that was a treat for me to see but apparently quite common in and around Warwickshire ... its times like that I realise what a townie I am!  Our 'gypsies/travellers' in Essex come with 4x4s and permanent caravans! Not quite the same thing!

I have also rethought my relationship with the satnav - we were getting on well... until on the way home it took me OVER the M40 (the motorway I arrived in Warks on) and across the country to the M1!! and its queues of traffic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY! WHY WHY WHY!!  stupid machine! lol  but I was home in time for Downton Abbey so that's OK! lol  (so, Downton Abbey - anyone else spend most of the episode trying to remember what had happened to everyone at the end of the last series? lol no, just me and mrjofy then! lol)



  1. Looks very, very lovely x

  2. I love the glimpse I can see of your canvas! wish I would live close by, I would follow this workshop! Hugs.

  3. Love the canvas!! Glad you had a good weekend (satnav excluded) and I am sure your ladies did too... I was ever so slightly disappointed by the first episode of Downton... but maybe it'll get better!

  4. OMG! Has the next series started in the UK

  5. Glad you made it for Downtown Abbey!! Lucky girl--here in Missouri, USA, we have a l-o-n-g wait for it to start--January 5, 2014 !!!
    I just got my first order of your stamps--can't wait to play.


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